The Kidnapper

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???'s POV:
"I finally got her and she WILL be mine." I say and laugh

Lunar POV:
I awoke up with a massive headache surrounded in blood, "well either that's my blood or the person who put me here didn't wanna be kind and clean this place." I sigh and try to find away out. "These bar block magic and powers, hmm I'm a telepath naturally I don't think they can block that or my other natural powers but most of them won't do much good." I say to myself quietly. I try to find out my location using my natural powers but nothing it's an unknown location. "Unknown location...hmm must not be a found yet dimension or realm yet, weird how could have this person found it before we did?" I say to myself as well. I hear someone walk but I can't tell who. "Hello dear, your awake that's good." Who is that? They something and I isn't like it why am I here? What do they want? I question myself while trying to figure this out. "Don't worry your safe but not so safe dear. You are in my realm somewhere no once can find you." I can feel him smirking wanting to laugh. I knew it, no wonder why we haven't found this place yet...we can't. Shit this isn't good, how is anyone supposed to find me? How can I even escape this place? I need to find away. I think to myself constantly throughout what he says. "Why don't you tell me who you are and why I'm here?" I say a bit annoyed. "Ah princess, be patient it's not so important right now..." Ok they are seriously playing with me here this is so annoying. "Just tell me who u are then." "Ah impatient are we? Ok then you might remember me from Moonlight high." "John..." "correct dear." "Stop calling me dear, I ain't your dear you creep. Let me go and never bother me again." I'm getting seriously annoyed rn why is he back? He is supposed to be in jail

"John where are we meeting up at with everyone?" "At the movies." I fall silent, "you ok Lunar?" "Yeah...I'm find but....I might now be able to go tonight..." "Why?" "Proxy training and plus Slender doesn't want me going out sense well Zalgo is back....heh...sorry I would sneak out but the rake is out tonight and I don't want him catching me and brining me back to the mansion...and worse telling Slender I snuck out..." "That's not fair to you though, you have a life and your 18. Slender shouldn't dictate what u can and cannot do Lun...Like there is nothing you can learn from him anymore you shouldn't let him dictate if u go out or not. Come to my house and say your doing a group project or homework and you will be back tonight." "I guess but with Slender he will know I'm lying to him about it because he is just like that maybe I could get Masky to cover for me as well to prove I'm not lying but idk John this is pretty risky especially since I have no defense again Zalgo and plus I'm with the rest of the group who doesn't know about this and they think it's all fake. I'm already an outcast I don't wanna make it worse." "It'll be fine Lun...promise." "Idk....still..." "Come on this is teaching you to be an actual teenager well young adult and go against Slender." Lunar falls silent. "Come on it'll be fine and a lot of fun" The voices fade out back to reality...

Lunar's POV:
"As you know I've had a crush on you since we were kids and seeing you again after-" Lunar cuts John off. "John...remember the night when we went to movies with the group and you said everything will be fine..." "Yeah why?" "Everything wasn't though...He attacked and I got outcasted again...even worse I was forced to move  high schools..." John falls silent for a moment then says "I left that same night...all because of Slender then blamed me for it..." "It was your fault..."

Sorry but that's then end of the chapter. You found out more about Lunar's past and John as well. Sorry it took so long to get a chapter done school and my life and issues and disorders and shiz has been getting in the way. I will TRY to get more chapters out. I got classes so I can see much better than I use to, yay! Anyway I love you all see you all in the next chapter ❤️❤️

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