Present & Past

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It was making him sad thinking about Anaya so he tried to think about someone or something else but he could not, hussain could not remember a time when Anaya was not around him. Even though they were not married, they would act like married couples. They would always go out together. She was not just his girlfriend but his best friend and imagining that someday some other guy will take his place was making him anxious.
It was getting harder and harder to breath.
Anaya was just perfect, she was sensitive as well as strong, independent as well as shy, talkative as well as smart. It’s very rare to find all this qualities in a single person. Most importantly she loved him more than herself, if hussain asked her to commit suicide, she would kill herself without asking any questions that is how much she loved him.
He started having flash backs again of all the things she did for him. He have Epilepsy and so whenever he would get seizures which was every 4 months, she would always be there for him. She would always cheer him up, more over he was not so well off financially so she would always spend on him and buy him gifts and if he did not except the gifts, she would just smile say “replay him with your love.”

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