Everything is over

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Hussain think she hates him now, she must regret the 4 and half year they spend together. But he is happy, she can have a life which she deserves. This is what he thought till last night.
But as hussain woke up with the dream he have realised he cannot do this, he cannot move on, she is his will to live. 
Hussain thought to himself “I can fix this, I can make things normal as they were before, I just need to talk to her and explain her.”
He decided he will text her after a week, when she is a little calm so that she would listen to him and understand him.
A week passed, Hussain texted her “Hi, I need to explain you why I did what I did.”
She replied “If you ever text me or try to contact me, I will call the cops.”
Reading her text he realised he had lost the greatest treasure he owned.
And as hussain lost her, he even lost the will to live.


     The end..

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