Change in Tides-Chapter eight

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Change in Tides

Chapter eight

[Picture of Vallis on side à à ]

Derik tried his best to keep away from the scared kitten, not because she showed fear toward him, but because of the strange pull that continued to compel him to show gentleness to her. More than once had he found himself gently caressing her wrists, whenever he was forced to feed her, having refused to eat. Or found himself captivated in the vast greenery of her eyes, and feeling the lingering tendrils of warmth that laced his lips from the kiss they'd had days ago. Not only that but a strange voice would continually pester his mind whenever he came into the slightest contact with her, shouting for him to get closer.

That said kitten was currently huddled under the sanctuary of the bed covers, trying her best to not take notice in his presence. Every so often her green eyes would peer underneath the covers to watch him, thinking he wouldn't notice.

"Do you plan to stay there forever kitten?" he asked, a soft rumble of laughter shaking through his chest.

Miana quickly hid under the covers again, hiding her red face. Since the kiss she'd been upgraded from 'human' to 'kitten', she wasn't sure what that meant, but aside from that one change she failed to notice the growing gentleness within him.

He hadn't done anything to frighten her since the kiss but the sense of unease was still there, after all she was still his captive when it came down to it.

"Kitten." His voice was right in her ear.

Feeling his timber voice tickle her ear she jolted upright, clutching the covers protectively around her shoulders. His usual smirk sat on his face, watching the red haired kitten shrink into the blanket that draped her shoulders; her emerald eyes not meeting his vibrant purple ones.

"Come on now kitten." He practically purred, lifting her chin to force her eyes to meet his.

A soft purr vibrating though his skull.

Again he was fascinated when his fingertips began to tingle once they made contact with her skin, her fluttering lashes and quickening heartbeat told him she could also feel them. He became fully aware of her delicately frosted bow lips, wanting to cover whatever distance that laid between his and hers. He gritted his teeth fighting off the strange sensation that tried to haze his mind.

"Soft.." he murmured, the purr in his mind becoming louder, drowning out even the frantic sound of the little kitten's heartbeat. The faint voice in his head purred louder, jolting him out of his haze.

He jumped away from her, as if he'd been burned. Rationality returned to him. What was he about to do?

'Give into the temptation..' the faint voice answered, as it had done time and time again when dealing with the kitten.

His faced darkened in a scowl, 'I'll be damned before that happens.'

He was stronger than this, stronger than whatever strange pull of gravity pulled him toward her. He didn't come to Earth to fraternize with some human. Realization struck him like a brick.

That's right.. He'd almost forgotten why he was here. He didn't have time to waste, he should be out hunting down the new list of insource the fish woman gave him, not wasting time with the quivering temptress that clutched the blankets to her shaking body.

He stalked to the door the voice in his head growling at him in displeasure. Before he could leave the soft voice of the shaking kitten stopped him.

"W-where are you going..?" she questioned her large doe eyes stirring something inside him, something he knew he should avoid, something he knew no way of describing and explaining.

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