Town Square-Chapter three

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Chapter three

Town Square

Vallis glided to his home on the other side of the mountain, not caring enough to glide in the shadows when there was no one around for miles. Gliding through an open window he let himself fall onto the mattress. He sighed in exhaustion folding his wings close to his body. He's flown for hours to find leads on the demon but he kept coming up short, seeing the sun starting to rise he groaned into his pillow. After flying so long for non-stop he felt drained, he needed a few hours of sleep at least to recharge some of his lost energy. Since he couldn't find the demon himself he'd need to talk to a voodoo priestess or a soothsayer. They'd only help him if he gave them something in return or his service for something. It was not something he would like to do but if he had no other options he would see them.

Since he can't find him Vallis would have to stay close to Miana in the mean time. The only problem was how he was suppose to protect her from her dreams. He couldn't break into her dreams because of the tattoo the demon put on her, the mark giving only the demon passage and no other immortal into her dreams. There was only one way known to immortals on how to break the dream tattoo's effect. And it was death from either party, the demon or the human. He could try and block him from her dreams by creating a charm for Miana but that took time and power. He wouldn't be able to make one for weeks. He shut his eyes in frustration, some angel he was he couldn't even protect one human.

As Vallis closed his eyes he let himself go into the spirit realm, his body resting as his mind wandered in spirit form to search for the nearest voodoo priestess or soothsayer. He would find a way to protect the human he calls a friend. Back in the heavens he was the quiet one not many people talked to, especially when both his parents were now fallen, their whereabouts unknown, even by his Deity. It had never bothered him before because in heaven angels had no need for emotions when they had duties and responsibilities. And when the war started he met Miana and she was a smiley person, immediately getting his attention. Being for heaven seeing how a human could experience so many emotions made him curious about their race. He continued to run into her in town and he found himself actually talking to her more often with each encounter.

And now there was a demon out there trying to take harm her. He scowled his spirit emitting a strong ominous vibe causing all the human close by to tensen. He paused studying the black colored aura that surrounded his spirit. Being around humans so long has actually started to sprout some forms of emotions inside him that he could not name. What he did know was that he would not let her be in harms way. Not while he was breathing.

Miana sat at the dinner table her forehead on the table, fighting the dizziness of sleep that kept creeping up from the lack of sleep for two days in a row.

"Well don't you look like a ball full of sunshine." a voice teased.

"Stuff it John." Miana groaned not in the mood for her teasing younger brother.

"That really hurt." John said, Miana looked up to see him hold his chest in mock hurt making sniffing sounds. She rolled her eyes at him placing a hand on her cheek as she studied him. John had the same fiery red hair as her that they both got from their mother, but he had honey colored brown eyes like their father.

"So what's with the clothes?" she asked grinning at him in a cat-like way."You going to see you girlie-friend?"

He fake coughed trying to hide his beat red face from her view. She didn't have to ask where he was going but Miana couldn't help but tease him. He was going into town to see the shopkeepers' niece who worked the counter of the store. He's had a major crush on her since the first day he saw her. And even a blind person would notice how he liked her. Yeah it was THAT obvious.

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