His Mark-Chapter One

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Chapter one

His mark

{2 months after the war began}

"Now.. you can either cooperate with me. And we could do this the easy way." He said nonchalantly flipping a blade as he sat on the edge of a wooden table. He grabbed the hilt of the knife each time he flipped it. "Or we can do this the hard way.." he grinned flashing his shark-like teeth menacingly causing the petrified humans eyes to widen like a deers. Standing up he makes his way toward the human the blade held firmly in his hand and slightly moving it to make it gleam in the dim light. As much fun as he felt from seeing the fear in the human's eyes the past months it's the same routine. Catching informants, torture them for information, kill them, catch another lead, it was actually starting to bore him.

"Tell me." the tip of his blade skimmed the middle aged humans skin, leaving a small trail of crimson in its wake. "Where are the other warriors?"

"I-I don't know w-what you're talking about!" the human squawked trying to shrink away from the blade, the ropes tying him to the chair preventing him from moving at all.

"Well then that's too bad. That just means I'll have to end up killing you since you're of no use." He smiles apologetically, but by the look of the human face he could tell that the glee in his eyes was visible.

"Y-you DEMON!" the human shouted continuing to struggle to no avail.

His laughter filled the small basement room "I prefer to be called "Derik"..." he said smiling to the human before he slit his throat. He watched as the light in the humans eye began to dimminish, knowing his twisted grin would be last thing the petiful human ever saw.

With his job done he sighed looking at the blood now covering his hands and the floor.

'He should be glad I gave him a quick death.' He thought frowning as he looked at the dirtied basement that was filled with the metallic smell of blood.

He shadow traced to the room upstairs to bath and wash of the blood off, and picked clothes to change into.

'Two months and still no progress..' gritting his teeth his eyes became a bright shade of violet showing the demon inside him that was taking over, he balled his fist and slammed it against the bathroom wall, plaster crumbling into the shower.

'To hell with it!' Turning off the water he shadow traced from the shower to the room where he quickly dressed. Leaving his temporary house he headed to the town in order to find a new lead on the other warriors.


Miana walked from the towns' bakery back to her family's home, a cheerful smile on her face. She giggled to herself. Today a new town friend was going to come over to her familys home for dinner. It had been the first time in weeks that Vallis had come back from wherever it was that he always suddenly disappeared to. As Miana walked closer to her house she began skipping and humming softly, her shoulder length wavy red hair swaying behind her.

A sudden chill ran down her spine causing her to stop in her tracks, feeling a pair of eyes focusing intently on her, she looked over her shoulder, her green eyes narrow in suspicion. Seeing no one she shakes of the weird feeling and continues to walk to her house.

Once the house in view she sees Vallis standing in the door way, his short died white hair with blue at the tips looked surreal in the Montana sun, his iceberg blue eyes a brilliant heart stopping blue. Did she mention his six pack, yes she secretly took a peak. Can you blame her? He was still somewhat of a stranger in Montana. He'd suddenly come from nowhere and disappears every so often.

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