The Priestess-Chapter four

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Chapter four

The Priestess

Miana squeezed her eyes shut to try and wake up from her latest nightmare, but when she opened them she still saw Vallis with a dead serious look on his face and found herself in the arms of the devil in purple.

"Let her go, she has nothing to do with this." Vallis said obviously trying to reason with him.

"Oh but she does. This little fire cracker is mine now. See." he moved her hair so the tattoo behind her left ear was exposed. "And it's only right that I come and take what's mine." he said to Vallis in a wolfish grin.

Vallis's face darkened even more if possible, he looked nothing like the Vallis she knew and was friends with. He looked like a complete stranger with his dark expression.

"You see before it was about luring you out, but now she's just too much fun to let go." He said twirling a piece of her red hair around his index finger "I'm thinking I'll keep her until she bores me." He says with a shrug as if it was something normal to do, kidnapping a "filthy human".

"But if you won't tell her than I will." He smiled darkly seeming to enjoy toying with Vallis.

Vallis stood unmoving as his dark gaze stayed on Miana's purple eyed capture. "If you won't tell her than I will." He said in a taunting voice to Vallis. Miana remained quiet, she didn't want to gain more attention from the purple eyed beast. Especially if she got his attention directed at her at the moment of his anger.

"I'll show her instead." Vallis spoke his tone so cold Miana felt herself shiver.

But what she saw next made her eyes practically bulge out of her head and her cheeks turn bright red. Vallis took off his shirt like it was no big deal and stood there with his muscular chest exposed. He was stripping? Who in their right minds would stripe in this situation?! Yes she liked to see his chest who wouldn't? But now was not the time and place for that!

As she tried to keep herself from ogling Vallis's body wings extend themselves from his back making her gasp in awe. They were beautiful, she was enchanted by them that when it finally sunk into her skull that he had WINGS coming out of his back she felt the little wheels in her head stop turning.

Derik felt the humans heart skip a few beats when the angel removed his shit leaving his chest bare, which he found pissed him off. Even more so when he realized that she was ogling the angels chest, OGGLING! As the angel let his wings unfold he felt the human breathe in softly and felt something close to... awe? Radiate off of her.

She was staring at awe at the angel as if he was god or something. It was so different from the look she'd given him when she first saw him in her dreams two nights ago. She'd looked at him in fear and anger, never once had she looked at him as she was right now looking at the angel. He caught himself wanting the human to look at him with the same expression on her face.

'Me? Want a "human" to see me with a face other than fear??' Derik thought mentally shaking his head. There MUST be something wrong with him. Since when did he give a shit about what a human thought about him, much less the very human in his arms who's heat radiated off their body and into his.

As soon as she felt her body tensen he realized with a smirk that the fact he wasn't "normal" finally sunk into her thick head.

"What are you?" she said in a low breathy voice her head slouched down causing her breath to fan against his arm sending jolt through his body that he felt as soon as he wrapped his arms around her. Making him to wonder if she also felt the electrifying jolts when he touched her.

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