His Threat-Chapter two

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Chapter two


Chapter two

His Threat

Miana sat on the roof of her house looking out into the Montana landscape, her stomach grumbling but with what happened last night she felt like she'd only throw up whatever food she would managed to get into her system. She could forget about it and pretend it was only a dream but as soon as she looked in the mirror and seeing the tattoo reminded her of just how real this was. How could she make her mind cope with what happened last night? It was one thing to dream about some dead almost decapitated body, but it was another thing entirely to realize that the very terror filled dream wasn't the end.. Because the dream had been real, the tattoo on behind her left ear proof of that.

 Whoever... whatever had been in her dream last night and tattooed, "marked", her was after her. Should she just book herself to some sort of mental hospital? Because she voted herself mentally insane, she groaned rolling onto her side on top of the roof hiding her face on her knees.

But.. what if her dream WAS real, and she wasn't going insane. She thought to herself sitting up resting her chin on her knee. And somehow hadn't gotten drunk, or sleep walked to the nearest tattoo parlor or something. Which was impossible she knew but she had to find a way to make her mind cope. If it was real and there was something after her what should she do? Call the police, the swat team, the navy?..

If she told her family they'd visit the towns voodoo witch or something like that. Maybe she should talk to Vallis?... but what good would that do when he was out on "business" and it would be impossible to track him down.

"Fudge cakes!" she cursed aloud letting herself fall onto her back, yes she said fudge cakes she rarely used "bad language" unless she was pissed beyond reason. Looking up as the afternoon sun began to rise she sighed realizing all the morning chores she was already behind on. In her house everyone pitched in to help with the farm and house work.

Standing up and patting her clothes to get the dust and dirt off she went and jumped off the side off the roof. There was no ladder or anything like that on the roof, the only way to get up here was climb onto the barrel behind her house and free climb it from there. Landing with the grace of a cat she learned from jumping off the roof time and time again, she stood up straight as she walked to the barn to groom and feed the horses for the morning. After that she had to help out with the planting all the fall crops and harvesting all of wheat. Running her hands through her hair she sighed at all the work she'd have to catch up on.

She was about to put her hair up into a ponytail but caught herself realizing that her hair wasn't very long so they'd notice the tattoo and ask a bunch of questions about it. How could you answer questions to something you couldn't explain?

Letting her hair down she continued to walk to the barn to feed and care for the horses.

Derik spent the next day in a better mood, now that he'd marked the human "Miana" with the dream tattoo. Now he could visit her dreams and would feel when she slept. It was one of the perks of being a demon. He was one of the few immortals of his kind that could dream walk, the dream walk talent was unheard of in his kind, mostly found in angels. So imagine the immortals face when they noticed the mark, they'd think they were up against an angel, he thought chuckling to himself.

The only down fall to the dream tattoo was that he had one too, only his could only be seen by the human and an actual angel. So he'd be easily spotted and the fact that he could locate the human when she slept, but when she was awake he'd have no idea where she could be.

"How can I kill time?.." he thought aloud growing bored with waiting for the human to fall asleep again so he could give her nightmares. When he first dream walked into her dream he found out some stuff about her, nothing personal only the majors. Age name and that's about it. He couldn't dig into her mind for information he could only see things she was thinking off and he needed her to think of the immortal that she hung around to know who his target was.

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