☆ Chapter 12 ☆

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Choices, choices, choices.

They always seem to haunt you, no matter what you choose.

I didn't want to be stuck as pirate bait, nor did I want to be stuck with Hiro.

But, it was either that or Lily took my place so, now I'm here, with Hiro, atop a tree as we (including a few Lost Boys, Wasabi, Mini-Max and Fred) waited for anything that could help us. And if we were caught, I was used as bait, with my pirate marking prominently burned into my hand as the key of trust.

I rest my back on the tree's base, my legs crossed and stretched out on the branch in front of me. I'm supposed to be on lookout with Hiro, who is on the other side of the tree, a few Lost Boys (who's names I can never seem to remember) and Mini-Max, who is resting on my shoulder. The rest are down below taking a quick power nap before their shift.

Hiro gently nudges me, probably noticing my eyelids drooping, "Stay awake Valerie."

I sigh, turning to meet his gaze, "I would if this tree wasn't so comfy."

"It's not! I'm getting splinters just sitting here!"

I roll my eyes at his whining and hand him Mini-Max, who tends to his splinters. (Which, may I add, are very minor and don't really need to be tended.)

Once that both are occupied, I go back to my original position and start to settle in. I'm foiled at my attempt at sleep however, as Hiro gently pokes my arm and I immediately jolt awake. Hiro's eyes widen at my sudden movements and stumbles back a bit on the branch he's sitting on. I bite back a laugh as he tried to regain the balance that he had lost but he looked so helpless, I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. He shoots me a glare and hands me Mini-Max, who had watched Hiro's balance attempt with what seemed to be an amused look.

(You can never really tell Baymax or Mini-Max's emotions because of their neutral look that was basically two dots connected with a line. Since I can't really tell, I assume by either Mini-Max's tone or the mood of the situation.)

I gently place Mini-Max on my shoulder before turning to Hiro, "Anything yet?"

"Nope. I've got nothing and I think the Lost Boys above us have passed out." He tells me, chuckling as he looks above us to see two lost boys, one dressed as a raccoon and another as a wolf, peacefully sleeping on their own separate branches.

I groan, throwing my head back in frustration, "This is the worst. I think the only reason Peter brought us up here was socialize or something."

He hums in agreement and then the silence consumes us as we stare at the vast forest in front of us.

After a bit of silence and observing nature around us, he decides to speak up, clearing his throat to bring my attention to him.

"Did it hurt?"

"What hurt?"

"The pirate burning thingy. The symbol that's on your hand."

I cringe at the thought of the black substance burning into my skin, "Very much so, yes."

Hiro nods, his gaze now on my left hand and it causes me to move my hand from the branch, to my lap where I tightly grasp it with my other hand.

I go to say something but my gaze is focused on a sword being thrown at our direction. I yell for everyone to take cover and I pull Hiro down before the sword can hit him. He glares at me for a spilt second but once he sees the sword, his eyes widen.

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