☆ Chapter 18 ☆

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"Are you ready for this?"

I hear a bunch of "yes" from the group behind me but Wasabi's bold "no" makes me giggle just a bit but I wave it off.

"Great!" I clap my hands together to add to the enthusiasm Lily told me I should have, "So, let's get to it!"

I watch as everyone starts to scramble around, Hiro almost bumping into Honey Lemon in the process, making Lily laugh from beside me and for me to snicker with a little eye roll for affect.

Peter, who was originally with a few of his lost boys flies over to me with a wide smile on his face, "You know, this is the best idea I've ever seen Lost Girl. I think we really have a chance."

I cringe at the nickname, "Stop calling me that. And yes, we do have a chance but don't give me the credit. Everyone had a part."

Peter just grins, "Very true Lost Girl."

I roll my eyes as I watch him fly off the moment someone calls him over, which was Fred and a Lost Boy at the moment.

"I really don't like him." I mutter to no one in particular, walking further away from the redhead.

"Kinda like how you didn't like Hiro and Tadashi or a different kind of dislike?" Lily pipes up from beside me, struggling to carry a tub of pixie dust that should go to said boys in her arms.

I take the tub from her arms and carry it with ease. We start to walk towards them, "I still don't like Hiro. Tadashi, I can stand but those two are annoying."

Lily laughs, "Peter and Hiro are those teens that don't know what their personality is or who they want to be, hence the, what seems to be, annoying stages. They aren't like you, who at a young age, knew who you were going to be down to a tee. You still do."

I ignore her comment about me, "Have you been reading a parenting book or something?"

"Only the ones in your room."

I feel myself turn pink from embarrassment. Those books were usually hidden in my room, only to be used when necessary. I didn't think Lily would find it nor would she even snoop in my room.

"Lily, what did you tell her? She's more pink than anything."

I glance at Tadashi, who has his head cocked to the side as he observes me. Hiro does the same, although he seems to be holding in some laughs.

Lily giggles, covering her mouth with her hand to try and contain them, "Just something from back home."

I playfully flick her before returning my attention back to the two brothers, "Is everything ready?"

Tadashi nods, "Yeah. I just need to take those and we'll be set."

Hiro takes the one out of my hands and Tadashi takes the other one. I bite back a laugh as Hiro struggles to hold the tub. Lily elbows me gently to try and make me stay serious but watching him trip and fall makes me laugh just a bit more, and a bit louder. He sends me a playfully glare as he dusts himself off and my laughter stops at the sudden eye contact.

I clear my throat, diverting my eyes away from him, "How long until it's made?"

Tadashi, who seemed to be holding back laughter of his own, just dismisses my comment with a wave of his hand, "Just relax Val. It'll be done in a jiffy."

Lily giggles, "'In a jiffy'? Who says that?"

"Me. Apparently."


I keep my eyes firm on the source, black, tar like pixie dust spewing out of it, making the island sink more and more with every passing second.

I look down at Peter, who was adding some finishing touches with Honey Lemon and Wasabi, "Are we all set?"

He looks up at me, his smile seeming almost to big for his face, "We're all set over here Lost Girl."

"Great. Let's get ready then."

Nervously, I clasp my hands together as I stare up at Tinkerbell to try and calm my nerves. I've been into what Lily would call "battle" before but that felt like a long time ago. Why was this any different than that time?

Lily, who seems to read me like a book, gently grabs one of my hands and holds it tight, not saying anything but looking straight ahead.

I let out a nervous breath, squeezing my sister's hand tightly, "Let's get a move on! Hook should be where Tink last saw him."

Tinkerbell jingles and "talks" happily above me, as if to add to my train of thought.

I glance at her for a brief moment, smiling slightly, "Right. Let's just go kick some pirate butt."

short chapter! (whOOPS)

but I'm just trying to hype up the action!!

are you hyped yet??

it's coming and fast (and by fast, i mean next chapter fast) so you guys better prepare yourself. it's gonna be fun.

and I'm so so excited to share the exciting chapter I have instore for you guys!! 😆

oh, and before I push you to the next chapter, I just wanna say that I'm so sorry for not updating sooner!! I haven't been in the writing mood lately (for a while actually) and it's caused me to slowly update things and create crappy writing. (but when is it ever good?? 😂😂) sorry guys! ❤️

but don't worry, hopefully the next chapter won't take forever to post!

(no promises though! 😅)

- melancholymacaron 💛✨

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