☆ Chapter 21 ☆

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It didn't take long for the chemical mixture we created to reverse the Anti-Pixie dust's damage on Neverland to take effect. It slowly, but surely, started raising up the island. Unfortunately there were a few places around the island that were still flooded but Peter reassured us that it was okay and that he and the Lost Boys would take care of that.

Now, after sending Hook on an endless, traumatizing journey with a clock crocodile and his ship far away from Neverland, (Strange, I know. But Peter told us that the crocodile would keep him away from Neverland for a while. Or accidentally bite his leg. Which ever came first.) all we seemed to do is try and figure out ways to get home. Well, to San Fransokyo. Their home.

But I couldn't focus on getting there. My mind seemed to always go back to what Hook had said to us. It worries me that someone is after my sister and me. What could they do to me or more importantly, to Lily?

My mind was bring out every single possibility, good and bad until my brain couldn't process anything anymore and made me completely log out.

(And not in a good way.)

So now, I have Baymax attending me and making me rest from doing portal work and stuff like that. I would have Mini-Max but he finally decided to leave the warmth of my pants pocket to go help the others.

It's fine. I have the big warm marshmallow that is Baymax to keep me company.

"Baymax?" I call out suddenly, my head on his stomach and my legs perched up on one of Peter's chairs, "Do you think that Hook could of just said that to try and mess with me?"

He doesn't respond for a moment and I anxiously play with my ring until he speaks up.

"He was not lying. He seemed to have quite an elevated heart rate when speaking to you about this mysterious women. His hands seemed to be shaking out of fear and nerves as if what he was telling you would effect him." Baymax informs me and I nod.

"Okay. So there is a creepy lady out to get Lily and I."


I huff, "Gee, thanks for the encouragement Baymax."

"But don't worry Valerie." He continues to speak and I turn my head to face him properly, "You will be alright. We will be here to help you and keep you safe."

His words cause me to smile and I look down at my feet shyly.

"Thanks Baymax."

He doesn't respond and I look up at him, only to see that his head is tilted the other way. I furrow my eyebrows and do the same, following his gaze.

Well, I actually just tilt my head back since I'm on his stomach.


Hiro immediately looks at me and tilts his head almost immediately after doing so, as if trying to comprehend what on earth I'm doing but he just awkwardly bounces on the balls of his feet instead.

"Hey Valerie. Can I come in?"

I nod, sitting up slowly. I notice Baymax start to look in my direction and I send him a slight glare but it's more of a confused look. What was he doing here?

"Your sister wasn't feeling to good so Honey Lemon made her some tea. Peter help her out. Made Tiger Lily help him. It was kinda a chain reaction really." He says once he sits beside me, keeping a pretty large amount of distance between us, "We all had some as well to keep calm and Lily thought it would be nice if you had some as well."

He hands me a cup, well, a wooden makeshift of a cup, I didn't even know he had into he extended his arm towards me. I nod gratefully before looking at him in confusion.

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