☆ Chapter 17 ☆

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"That feels like Pixie Dust! I'm telling you Lost Girl, something's not right with that.....thing."

Peter hovers above Honey Lemon and I as we stare at the sample of the weird black substance covering Neverland and making the beautiful island sink.

I try to swat him away, groaning in frustration when he won't leave, "My gosh, you are just like a stupid bug."

"At least I'm cuter and better than a bug."

A scoff is heard from the other side of the room and I turn just in time to see Lily playfully hit Hiro. He visibly recoils from his sitting position beside her and scoots closer to Fred, who's laughing at the situation.

I smile softly for a split second before moving my gaze back to Peter and then I remember why Hiro scoffed, making me roll my eyes, "Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night Peter." I direct my attention away from him and to Wasabi and Tadashi, who aren't that far away from where I sit, "Anything from Baymax?"

Tadashi shakes his head, "Nothing. Not even a base for a certain chemical."

I sigh, placing my head on my hand before turning my head slightly to Honey Lemon, "You've got anything?"

She shakes her head, pushing her glasses up a bit before looking back down to try and look again.

I let out a soft sigh as I toy with the gold ring on my ring finger, a slightly nervous tick of mine that I inherited from my father, who would always do it when he was nervous (or when he had his wedding ring on.)

My eyes move around the room, observing carefully at everyone trying to figure this whole thing out. Everyone looks so focused and so nervous for as we speak Neverland is closer and closer to becoming Atlantis.

And then it hits me.

I turn to Peter, who had moved from hovering behind Honey Lemon and I to a lonely spot on the couch beside my sister and Hiro.

"Peter. Give me some pixie dust."

Peter furrows his eyebrows, "I don't have that right now. I need to go get Tink and I d-"

"Then go get Tinkerbell. I think I know what's going on."

"You think?"

"Thinking is better than having nothing." I tell him, my fingers now moving from my ring to my knee, tapping the spot there impatiently, "Now go!"

Tadashi furrows his eyebrows as he watches Peter quickly leave, "What did you figure out?"

"If my prediction, my theory is correct, that means that this black stuff is the "anti-pixie dust". If pixie dust makes you float, th-" I'm cut off by Lily shooting up from her spot beside Hiro as she voices her opinion.

"Then that means this black stuff makes Neverland sink!" Lily exclaims with wide eyes, as if her mind has just been blown, "Val, you're a genius!"

I weakly smile, a light coat of blush warming my cheeks at the sudden praise, "O-Oh. Thanks Lils."

She stands up on her tip-toes to gently ruffle my chestnut, dip-dyed purple hair causing me to playfully shove her and for a few chuckles and giggles to erupt from our behaviour.


My fingers subconsciously move to toy my ring nervously as I stare at the two substances before me, Mini-Max soundly resting on my shoulder, occasionally warming me up every time he woke up.

Despite my theory being correct, we didn't have anything to stop Neverland from sinking. Honey Lemon suggested combining the two, creating a balanced formula that cancels out the "anti-pixie dust" and since she's the only chemist on board, we trusted her and went with her idea, all of us taking turns to help out.

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