Author's Note

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Hikigaya's Choice

A story based on Hikigaya Hachiman and a sequel to the VN and the anime, Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Comedy Wa Machigatteiru Zoku, more to a fanfiction.

Author's note.

If you are here without knowing what is the anime Oreigaru or Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Come Wa Machigatteiru, then please leave as this story contain many spoilers to the VN. This is just an adaptation of the story and more so a sequel and fanfiction to the story. This also might get some of you angry as this story can be heart bursting and could also be hair ripping. Please be patient with the uploads as well, as now I am currently busy with my design school. Nevertheless, please enjoy this adaptation of this novel.

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PS: If you don't know at this point, I am a massive fan of his work and I would like this to be an alternate ending to the popular series. Also, I am really bad with my sentencing, so mind my English when you all are reading this. Thanks for reading and may you enjoy this at its fullest.

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