Choice 1: The Story So Far.

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Hikigaya flopped onto the sofa, sighing as he remembered what happened during the date yesterday. The memorable moment between him, Yui Yuigahama and Yukinoshita Yukino. He thought of whatever Yuigahama said that day, she tried to make her decision by herself. He placed his arms on his eyes and slides down, slouching his body. As he lay there, he thought about the whole situation and gave a smirk, showing that he is satisfied with the outcome of the event. He then lay on the sofa, searching for the remote to the television. Once he found it, he let the television lit the dark room.

As reruns of a local drama played in the background, he went into a deep thought. His eyes gazed onto the television as he thought about what he really wanted. Then he questioned to himself. Was this all genuine for him? He wanted something genuine, but are these choices he made really something that he needed? He then closed his eyes, shutting his vision and let his mind wander off in his natural environment.

“Gomiichan, what are you doing?”

He snapped out of his thoughts when his sister called him, making him stumble around his sofa and falling down. He let out a yelp.

“Komachi? I thought you were mom.” he said as he got up and sat back down on his sofa.

Komachi was dressed with her teddy hairpin on her head. She was in her pajamas that slung towards the right side of her arm, exposing her shoulder. Hikigaya thought that the way she dolled up was adorable, Although Hikigaya Hachiman isn’t a siscon, he acknowledged that his sister is way cuter than any of the girls that he met in his life, other than the other 2 that occupy half of his high school life.

She switched on the light, making Hikigaya hiss. He quickly covered his eye to block the light. He slowly removed his hands as he tried to get his eyes adjusted to the light. Once he was used to it, he stared at Komachi, raising one eye as he knows that she wouldn't on the light without reason. She walked towards the side of Hikigaya and sat down beside him. Curious, Hikigaya asks Komachi.

“Komachi, what are you doing, switching the light on like that?”

Komachi sighed as she ask Hikigaya, seemingly knowing that Hikigaya was in a dilemma.

“Yukino and Yui is causing problems for you, right? You wouldn't be in this state if it wasn't about them. I can tell. If you'd have no problems, you would went into your room and sleep instead of laying on the sofa in the living room with the television running it's stupid show.”

Hikigaya smiles and chuckles a little at her response to his question. He nods and then went to the kitchen that was directly beside the living room.

“Tea? It will be a long story so you'll need it to sip through this problem.”

“Sure! Let's have this settled as soon as possible, Oniichan!”

Hikigaya proceeds to tell his story and how he questioned whether or not this is what he genuinely wanted. Komachi looked to the ceiling and think, nodding her head every time Hikigaya ends his sentences.

“Hmm, do you think they'll cause problems for you, like that time they argued?” Komachi asked Hikigaya with a smile, expecting a positive response from him.

Hikigaya stared at the floor, thinking how much he has been with these 2. How much he had grown as a character, and how he change his ways of thinking towards his fellow classmates and acquaintances. He then smiled and looked at Komachi, shaking his head afterwards.

“Then relax, this would be a smooth sailing year for you. I bet Yukino said that this year would be a fun one, didn't she?” says Komachi, responding to Hikigaya.

Hikigaya jerked forward at the comment she made, making him spill some of the tea on the table. He was dumbfounded by the fact that she know so much about Yukino.

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