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English: Small
Hiragana: ちいさい
Kanji: 小さい
Romaji: chiisai

English: Large/Big
Hiragana: おおきい
Kanji: 大きい
Romaji: ookii

English:  Cute (the majority of you probably know this word lmao)
Hiragana:  かわいい
Kanji:  可愛い
Romaji:  kawaii

English:  Frightening (WARNING: Be careful of this word because frightening and cute in japanese has very similar pronunciations...i dont want you guys going up to someone and calling them frightening by accident T_T)
Hiragana:  こわい
Kanji:  怖い
Romaji:  kowai

(Differences are in Bold) Kowai, Kawaii

English:  Funny
Hiragana:   おかしい
Kanji:   可笑しい
Romaji:  okashii

English:  Boring
Hiragana:  つまんない//つまん (for short)
Romaji:  tsumannai

English:  Hot
Hiragana:  あつい
Kanji:  暑い、 熱い、 厚い (I will explain the differences below)
Romaji:  Atsui

English:  Cold
Hiragana:  さむい、つめたい
Kanji:  寒い、 冷たい
Romaji:  samui // tsumetai (will also explain the differences below)

"Hot" Kanji's (Why are there different ones?)

    Well the kanji isn't just called hot in English but the three different kanji's can define as hot in weather, something hot or something heavy or thick. So kanji can help people know weather it means weather hot, something thick, or somethings hot by reading. I know it is confusing at first but you will eventually get used to it. (This was really hard to explain...sorry if it doesn't make me or comment for extra help)

厚い: Thick//heavy
kono hon wa atsui desu.
This book is heavy/thick.

熱い: Hot (as in thing)
火 はとても熱いです。
hi(you learned this in Elements) wa totemo atsui desu.
Fire is very hot.

暑い: hot (Weather etc.)
natsu wa totemo atsui desu.
Summer is very hot.

2 Colds?!

Just like"Hot" Cold is technically the same. One means cold as in the weather and the other one is something cold.

寒い (samui): Weather etc.
soto wa samui desu.
It is cold outside

冷たい (tsumetai): something cold
koori wa totemo tsumetai desu
Ice is very cold.

Sorry for not updating for awhile...sorta on writers please send in requests!!! Feel free to dm me or comment when yu are having trouble because it's better if you understand it then if you dont...DONT BE SHYYYYYYY!!!

-Bookworm, out (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

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