Special Chapter (Part 2)

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SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!!!!!!!! (Been busy for the last week)

Part 2, Question 1. Do you like Hamilton? by @Akazline

I never watched it, however some people in my class love it and they attempted to sing/rap to there songs...tbh they where uuuhhh great i guess...But the name reminds me of another town near mine...also called Hamilton. I might watch it sooner or later.

Part 2, Question 2. Do you listen to any Japanese artists or bands? If so, whats your favorite? (Requested to write in Japanese too.) By @shiroislife 

Sometimes. My mom and I sometimes watch this Japanese Music Station on T.V. However I don't really know any of the artist. But I might consider it. 

Hiragana: ときどきジェポプ をききます

Kanji: とこどきジェポプを聞きます

Romaji: tokidoki jepopu o kiki masu.

English: Sometimes I listen to Jpop. (I had to do it so it was simpler for you guys...)

Part 2, Question 3. What is your favorite thing to do? (also requested in Japanese) By @shiroislife 

My favorite thing to do is sleeping. Because I need my beauty sleep...jkjk lmao I never really get a break because of what's currently happening at home and everything...so a nice long nap is amazing.

Hiragana: いちばんすきなことわねることです。

Kanji: 一番好きな事は寝る事 です。

Romaji: ichiban suki na koto wa neru no desu.

English: My favorite thing to do is sleep.

Part 2, Question 4. Favourite food? (Japanese) By, @shiroislife

My favourite food is sushi. 

Hiragana: わたしのすきなたべものはおすしです

Kanji: 私の好き な食べものはおすしです。

Romaji: watashi no suki na tabemono wa osushi desu. 

Part 2, Question 5. Have you been to Japanese School? (Japanese) by, @shiroislife

Yes I have! Just graduated in June actually. This year I am volunteering with one of my Japanese-Canadian friends. I also went to school in Japan when I was 7.

Hiragana: にほんごがっこへいった ことがあります。

Kanji: 日本語 学校 へ いった事 があります。

Romaji: nihongo gakkou e itta koto ga arimasu

English: I have been to Japanese school.

(My pictures wont load but since I have not updated in almost 2 weeks I will attempt to upload photos tomorrow...unless I have things to do...Thing is mostly the reason why I have not been updating is that  my dad was in hospital for the past week and he should be coming home tomorrow...sorry for the long waits...sorry for rambling)

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