Introducing Yourself (Part 2)

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Thank you Iwillpeeonyourcat for this request!!!

English: How do you do? (or can also mean I am glad to meet you)
Hiragana: はじめまして。
Kanji: 始めまして。
Romaji: Hajimemashite
Explanation: You would say "hajimemashite when you first meet someone because the term hajimeru means to start, or begin.

English: My name is __________
Hiragana: わたしのなまえは、_________です。
Kanji: 私の名前は、_________です。
Romaji: watashi no namae wa __________ desu
Explanation: Well to be honest, you cannot just say hajimemashite to introduce yourself since you didn't say your name whatsoever you can put hajimemashite in this sentence. "Hajimemashite watashi no namae wa _________desu." 

English:  Please treat me well
Hiragana: よろしくおねがいいたします。
Kanji: よろしくお願いたします。
Romaji: yorushiku onegaiitashimasu
Explanation: Although in English we do not really say "please treat me well" while introducing yourself, however in Japan this is a very important phrase that I personally recommend using while introducing yourself to native Japanese speakers. A more casual way to say this is to say "yorushiku" but I'd rather use the whole phrase. (Note that this is the last thing that is said while introducing yourself.)

English: I am ______ (American, Canadian, Korean etc.)
Hiragana: わたしは、 ____________ です。
Kanji: 私は、 ____________です
Romaji: watashi wa _________ (Amerika-jin, Kanada-jin, senjin etc.)
Explanation: This sentence would define your nationality. For example IF someone came up to me and said what is my nationality,(that hasn't happened before and I am not surprised lmao) I would say "watashi wa kanada-jin desu." (Yes I live and am from Canada) 

English: How are you 
Hiragana: おげんきですか
Kanji: お元気 ですか
Romaji: ogenki desu ka
Explanation: This is more about your health and is asked often.

English: I'm fine
Hiragana: げんきです。
Kanji: 元気 です。
Romaji: genki desu
Explanation: This phrase is the response to the one above.

A/N HOPEFULLY I can update more this week because my sister is away at a friends house....AND I JUST REALIZED THAT I HAD 1.7K READS?! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU GUYS!!! I BARELY WROTE ANYTHING?!?! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING TYSM~~~!!!

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