3. Introductions

33 2 6

Looking at my now standing roommate, I was quite surprised. This was the person who scared off all of this cabins guards? It would make my plans easier though. With a soft smile I introduced myself. "Greetings. My name is Vivian Anne Wisteria. I hope you can acquaint me with the members of other cabins as well?"

My roommate seemed slightly shocked by my response and huffed. Making eye contact with her, she glared and began to lead me outside. I noticed a few other occupants had begun to exit their cabins. I noticed all of the prison uniforms had one of the Cabin numbers stitched on the back. Remembering my pamphlet I realized it was very likely meal time.

Following after my roommate, I noticed she sat down at one of the tables with two others. One of them was blonde with long hair and had a 6 on her back. The other had short brown hair with bangs and a 2 on his back. Behind the table, a guard was waiting. I noticed his tag said 6, so I guessed that he was the blondes guard. The two were conversing, and each had trays in front of them. My roommate waved her hand at the pair, and they looked up. She shoved me forwards and muttered something about grabbing two trays.

I approached the table and smiled at the pair. The brunette had his arm around the other and were obviously a couple. I slowly sat down at introduced myself to them. "I am Vivian Anne Wisteria of Cabin four. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance." The two stared at me for a moment before introducing themselves.
"I'm Marshall Yin James of Cabin two. I'm here because Nikki-bear and I kidnapped some people. Most call me Magic Mike though." The blonde blushed at the nickname and lightly muttered "B-Baka...." under her breath.
"A-Anyway..." She stuttered. "I'm Nikki Van Dike. I ran a brothel, kidnapped some people and shot someone in the crotch."

I couldn't help but laugh at her demeanor. It was quite interesting to see her look of total apathy towards her crimes, and I only assumed that her accomplice was one of her previous employees.

Suddenly, a cold metal tray was slammed before me and I glanced up at my roommate. She had scrunched brows and another tray in her hands. I quickly thanked her before turning back to the couple, almost gagging at the sight. Although it was mealtime, the two seemed content to eat each other's faces and not the food.

With a sigh, I turned towards the guard. His eyes seemed to reflect how this was clearly a regular occurrence. Turning towards my roommate, she had somehow finished her tray and fallen asleep on the table. No wonder the Cabin four guards quit. She was clearly strange.

Turning my attention back to the mauling tigers, I tossed a plastic fork at them. It hit Nikki in her hair and she turned to glare at me. I stuck my tongue out at her and smirked. "So, what's up with the black boxes?"

The guard behind Nikki perked up, and I looked at Nikki directly in the eye. She averted her gaze and awkwardly smiled, turned to Marshall. "Marshall dear, please explain to the newcomer." Marshall looked at her with a worried expression, then leaned over the table at me. "The boxes... we're not sure, but I think they're bombs that go off if you leave the fence. Some kid managed to escape, but they brought the box with them and it blew up part of the fencing." He then continued, "Cabin two had to help repair it while everyone else remained indoors. There was a lot of blood and bits at the scene, so I don't doubt that something exploded."

As he finished, I couldn't suppress the look of surprise on my face. Why would anyone be dumb enough to bring a foreign object on an escape plan? Shaking my head at their carelessness I turned towards the guard. He had a clearly frightened expression, and Nikki turned around to look at him and smile. At the expression, he froze up in fear and turned his gaze elsewhere.

A loud alarm blared and my focus shifted to the intercom. "Lunch is now over, Occupants in cabins #1-4 please report to the track. Occupants in cabins #5-7 please report to your cabins."

I stood up and glanced at Marshall and Nikki, snogging before they left each other. Snorting, I followed my fellow inmates of cabins #1-4 out to the track.

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