10. The Lunchroom

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Pulling out the bottle, I checked its contents a second time. After confirming that it was indeed reduced, I figured my roommate had done something. Returning the object to the gap, I hurriedly left the cabin.

Quickly returning to the Wardens office, I strode before the door. Placing my ear to the door, I listened.

"You did well on eliminating Inmate #7. We can easily frame his cabin mate, Nikki."

When Unity spoke, she had a strange sense of confusion in her voice.

"Strange. But if that is what is necessary to get back Safari then I shall."

I heard her approach the door, so I hurriedly rushed away. Ducking into the nearest hallway, I pressed myself again the wall and hid. As Unity passed I noticed she was holding a dark vial. As she continued I noticed that her gait was slightly off. I continued to observe her and noticed that she was clutching her thigh. Confused, I waited for her to pass.

Rushing back to my cabin, I entered before she arrived. I hopped onto my bunk and feigned slumber. As she entered, I heard her lift her mattress and place the vial underneath. After a few minutes I noticed that she had fallen asleep. Resolute in my current safety, I soon fell asleep as well.

When dawn came I felt a gnawing burn in my stomach. Realizing that I hadn't really eaten yesterday I hopped off of my bunk. When my feet hit the floor I heard a stirring from behind me. Turning around, I saw my roommate rising from her bed. Stepping back, she spoke to me.

"Morning. I say we go get some breakfast."

Nodding in agreement, we quickly left to go to the cafeteria. Since we were the only cabin allowed out, the cafeteria was rather empty besides the occupants of Cabin 1. Since they helped in the kitchen, the four of them were eagerly chatting and waved to us as we approached. They handed us several trays, and asked if we could take them to the occupants of Cabin 7 & 8.

We split up and left. One person to each Cabin, besides cabin 1 and 4. I had been asked to bring the trays to cabin 7, so I had a small walk ahead. When I arrived at the cabin, I nodded to the two guards standing by the doors. When I knocked, the door swung open and I saw the two occupants. One was a long haired ginger woman who I assumed must be Luna. The other was a brunette man with short hair. When they saw the me, they each grabbed one of my arms and pulled me in.

I hit the ground with a thud, and they each grabbed and placed their trays to the side. Sitting up, I glared at them. They both had a excited look so I questioned them.

"Why the h*ll did you just drag me in here?"

Luna smirked and then spoke.

"You should know what's going on. Who killed Oko?"

With a sigh, I paused. I realized I could easily make them gang up against each other. With a smirk, I spoke.

"It was the one in Cabin five."

She paused for a moment, then grinned.


Damian then spoke.

"Well, we'll have to pay them a visit soon. Thanks, newbie."

I only smiled at them, then turned to leave. When I reached the door frame, I called over my shoulder.

"Enjoy the food."

As I exited, I glanced at the guards. They both stood, clearly bored ahead of the Cabin. I simply continued without acknowledging them.

Once I had returned to the cafeteria, I noticed two of the first cabin had already returned. Smiling at them, I sat down.

"So, what are your names?" I questioned quickly.

"I'm Fluffy, the other is Jackie."

They both smiled at me and and I spoke.

"Good to meet you, my name is Vivian."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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