5. Nurses Room

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I looked at Unity and tilted my head, I suppose it could be the failed escapist I had heard about during lunch. Marshall nodded his head, seeming agreeing with Unity. "Probably is, given the state of this place." Then he turned his focus back to the lemonade. Something about it seemed off, but he didn't bother caring.

We continued conversing with each other for a few moments before the guard that was at the track with us yelled out.

"All occupants report to your cabins, the Warden has issued an alert."

Slightly confused at the sudden alert, I turned to Marshall and Unity. They both truly seemed terrified. I guess alerts like this rarely happen. I followed Unity and a new guard with a tag reading 3. As we reached our Cabin, I washed my hands in the sink not wanting whatever virus I had been contaminated with to spread.

As I entered the bunk room, I noticed Unity plays solitaire. Not having anything better to do I climbed into my bunk and fell asleep.

It seemed like just a few moments, but before I knew it I was being woken by Unity throwing the box of cards at me. Suddenly startled awake, I fell off of my bunk and hit the floor with a thud, hearing something pop. I began clutching my knee as pain stabbed my limb. Unity appeared startled, and ran out to get one of the nurses.

Soon I was in the compounds infirmary. I was a little shocked due to the compounds budget, but the infirmary was fairly well stocked. A nurse sat at a desk, and I was lying down on a firm bed. My knee had been wrapped and splinted, and I glared at it from my position. I slowly rose up out of the bed and positioned my leg at a straight angle. It would have to be kept like that for a few days, and I was relatively annoyed at that. I had plans, and being forced to waddle with a damaged knee did not help.

The nurse smiled at me, and handed me a sheet. In crisp lettering it gave me information about pain medication that I would have to take for the duration of the week. With a sigh, I held the form to my chest and excused myself back to my Cabin.

As soon as I re-entered the bunk room, I noticed my roommate sitting in the center. Approaching her, I tapped her harshly on her shoulder. She turned her head and glared. "What are you doing in my room, peasant?" She grimaced at me and then turned on her heel and staked out of the room.

With a confused expression, I watched her leave then turned to lay down on my bed. I had spent several hours in the nurses room, given that she had to fill out a ridiculously arbitrary amount of paperwork. The journey wasn't entirely fruitless though. Smirking, I reached into my outfit and pulled out 8 new pens I had stolen from the nurses office. Adding it to the ink I had stolen from the guard, I placed the tubules under my mattress.

As the last hazy glimmers of the sun passed through the cabins murky windows panes, I closed my eyes and slept.

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