9. Under The Floorboards

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I nodded towards the Warden and approached the filing cabinets. There were 15 sections in total. 8 were labeled with numbers, 5 with "Guard Info" and 2 with "Warden-Private Files."

I opened up cabinets 5-8, and took out the personnel files for each inmate. There were 4 in Cabin 5, 2 plus the dead one in Cabin 6, 2 in Cabin 7, and 3 in Cabin 8.

Each file gave their number and first name at the top, along with reason for admittance.

I glanced at a few of the files.

Cabin 7: Inmate #3: Luna: Homicide of 1 teenager, assisted homicide of 2 others.

Well, that was a strange file. If killing 3 people only got you in Cabin 7, then what was in Cabin 8? I continued to read.

Cabin 7: Inmate #14: Damian: Gang involvement, narcotic trafficking, 4 assisted homicides.

Now I was VERY curious as to the occupants of Cabin 8.

Taking out their files, I was shocked to see they were only labeled Inmate #1, #9 and #12.

The Warden loudly coughed behind me, and I turned around awkwardly with a smile. I handed her the files and she spoke to me. "You can return to your cabin now. If I need anything, I'll send a guard over."

Nodding at her statement, I turned and returned to my cabin.

As I entered, I remembered the strange object I had found before. Pulling it out, my jaw gaped at the sight. It was a horrendously torn arm, with bits of cartilage torn off and dangling. The bones were revealed in some areas, and patches of skin were almost completely torn off.

Why the h*ll was there a torn up arm in the main compounds basement?

I quickly realized that I should hide the arm, and the ajar floorboard came to mind. Approaching where it laid, I lifted it up and placed the arm in. I remembered the paper I had seen earlier, so I grabbed it out and returned the wooden panel to where it was.

Finding a ray of light, I opened the paper and gazed at its contents. On the sheet was a system of 1's and 0's, each in 8 numbered clumps. Since I didn't know binary, I instead turned to the scrap of paper I had obtained from the basement.

It's lettering was worn and faded, and the sheet had turned yellow from age. Placing it in a ray of sunlight I read its contents. It appeared to be a newspaper clipping of some sort.

Fegefeuer Correction Facility found guilty of-

The sheet was torn there, so I turned to the bottom of the page.

Warden found with dr-
2 inmates missi-
Rumored g-

Most of the text was torn off at the bottom. With a sigh, I returned both sheets of paper to the hiding spot.

When I lifted up the board, I had to carefully place the sheets around the arm to avoid getting them contaminated.

Soon, my eyes noticed something.

When I picked up the water bottle of bleach, I noticed that it wasn't completely full. About half of it had been drained, and the area around it was dry.

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