7. Martyrs Mirage

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I quickly rushed to the cabins front door, cautiously opening it. Outside stood Marshall. I was slightly shocked at his sudden appearance, but decided to exit my Cabin first. Turning to him I spoke. "Marshall, what's going on?"

He had a clearly worried expression and quickly responded to me. "The guards have issued an alert. A cabin member of Cabin 6 had been found dead." My mouth widened in shock. "Was it Nikki?" I quickly asked. Marshall still had a worried look. "I don't know." He responded. "That's all I was told. The guards are requesting all occupants of cabins #1-7 meet in the lunchroom."

I then followed Marshall to the lunchroom. As we entered, we found Unity sitting at a table, eating... cat food? Deciding not to question it, I sat down with Marshall and looked at the back of the room. Two guards flanked a woman in tall black heels and a black dress.

She calmly waited for the inmates chatter to stop before she began to speak. "As you have all been informed, a member of Cabin 6 has been found dead." Yelling from one of the tables began, and a guard grabbed them and dragged them out of the room.

The woman then continued with a huff. "The other two occupants of Cabin 6 are currently being detained and questioned." At that, Marshall abruptly stood up out of his chair. I attempted to stop him, but he quickly jogged to where the woman was standing. He threw his fist forward in a strange pose, and hissed at the woman, "If you don't tell me what happened to Nikki right now, I will make you regret the day you were ever born."

At that exclamation, one of the guards rushed forward with a needle. It only took a few moments before Marshall fell to the ground and began to be dragged away. I glanced at Unity and she had an apathetic expression. With a sigh, I turned back to the woman speaking.

She appeared heavily annoyed, and let out a growl from under her breath. Fixing her hair, she continued. "We are launching an ongoing investigation as to the cause and time of death. Their corpse was discovered this morning directly after breakfast, when they failed to show up." She paced lightly, then continued. "There were some small signs of a struggle. We are currently investigating wether or not it was a suicide or murder."

She lowered her hands for a moment, then stepped backwards for one of the guards to take over. As soon as he was centered, he spoke. "Until the investigation ends, all inmates must remain in their respective cabins. Your guards will deliver your meals and activity sheets to keep you occupied."

The collective mass of students groaned, and I guessed that meant that the activity sheets were either difficult or boring. Turning my focus back to the guard, he finished.

"As for Cabin 4, you will wait in the wardens office because of the lack of assigned guards. When the cause is determined, it will be announced via the intercom system. Please return to your respective area immediately."

And with that, Unity and I waited for the students to file out before the Warden approached us. She spoke clearly and directly to us. "You two will be helping me fill out the paperwork for our little inmates death. If you complain, I will lock you in one of the second floors rooms. Any questions?"

Unity and I both shook our heads and listlessly followed the Warden to her office.

Once we entered, I observed the room. In the center stood a dark marble desk, with deep set engraved details on the corners. On the left of the room stood 5 lightly colored, 3 tiered filing cabinets. On the right was a small school desk and chair. Looking at the filing cabinets, the Warden spoke to us.

"The inmate that died is Inmate #7. Unity, grab his contact info. Vivian, grab his medical records from the nurse."

I nodded and started to head towards the nurses office. As soon as I entered, she handed me a labeled envelope. I quickly checked its contents, then spun around to exit the room.

I jumped lightly when a clear voice announced over the intercom.
"Inmate #7 has been identified, and the cause of death verified. He died of bleach poisoning in a apparent suicide."

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