chapter 1 - warm welcome.

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"Welcome to Arkadia High, Ms. Reyes. Your first class is Calculus, it's the room at the very end of the hall." She handed Raven her admissions packet, and without second thought, she was out the door of the office, leaving behind her father with the principal.

Raven observed the halls silently. There were posters plastered all over the walls and bulletin boards asking for members for clubs and sports teams, just like every perfect small town high school should. None of which she would ever join out of her own free will.

She finally found her locker and she shoved all her textbooks and binders in messily. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she grabbed her Calculus materials and closed the locker. She looked up to see a girl with blonde hair and a smile so wide, it was fake.

"Hey, you're Raven Reyes, right?" She asked. "I'm Clarke Griffin."

"Uh, hey, Clarke. Yeah, I'm Raven, I'm a junior," She says awkwardly, shifting her weight.

"I am too! I'm the junior class president so just let me know if you have any questions. I'm also going to give you your tour now before school starts, if that's okay with you?"

Raven shrugged as she looked at all the kids slowly filing into the hallways, waiting for school to begin. "Sure."

Clarke lead Raven around, telling her useless facts mostly, but she was making mental notes of the the location of her classrooms.

"Today is the first day back from semester break, so there won't be much learning in any classes," Clarke teases. "So what brings you to Arkadia?"

"My mother left my dad and I recently, and without her support it was hard to live in a big city, so my father asked to be transferred somewhere small, so here I am," Raven spoke as she dragged her fingers on the wall beneath all the beautiful artwork hanging in the hallway.

"I'm sorry," Clarke apologized softly.

"Nothing to be sorry for, Clarke," Raven ensured her, just a little bit of sadness sounding through her voice.

"You know, I-" Clarke was cut off when a tall boy with disheveled black hair and a smirk on his face purposely bumped into her.

"Hey, Griffin," he smiled, "looking good."

"Good morning, Bellamy," Clarke spoke in montone, but she looked very annoyed at the boy.

"Who are you?" Bellamy looked at Raven curiously.

"I'm Raven. I'm new here."

"Wow," Bellamy was surprised. "We don't get very many new kids here."

"I can tell," Raven mumbled inaudibly.

Bellamy smirked, "Well, Raven, welcome to the hell. See you around?"

She nodded and followed Clarke, who was walking in the opposite direction.

"The biggest rule of this school is don't get involved with Bellamy and his friends, they're bad news," Clarke warned.

"There's more like him?" Raven chuckled, "They're just typical jocks, Clarke, there's nothing to be worried about."

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