chapter 4 - not anymore.

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Murphy knew he shouldn't get involved  with Raven unless she saw something she wasn't supposed to, as per Bellamy's orders, but he was never one to follow rules. So why start now?

"Does right now work?" He asked.

This shocked Raven. "I guess, I'll have to ask Clarke. You gonna ask Bellamy?"

Murphy nodded, "I'll ask them both."

Murphy to: bellamy's business matters
raven and i are getting coffee, you guys should come too so we slip some hints to her, you down?

Clarke to: bellamy's business matters
i guess i have to, huh? but yeah whatever, be there in 20.

Bellamy to: bellamy's business matters
alright, but let's be casual about it, her dad is CEO. see you in 20 griffin ;)

"They both said yes, I'll meet you there," Murphy smiled and jogged off to find Bellamy and Clarke.

He ran through the hallways to find Bellamy and Clarke talking in the lunch room, he jumped over the table and swiftly sat next to Bellamy, "I don't think this will be enough," Bellamy was explaining before he was so rudely interrupted by Murphy, but he continued his story anyway, "I think we should invite her to a warehouse. She could be a great asset to us, especially with her father being the CEO. What do you guys think?"

Clarke rolled her eyes at the terrible idea and explained blatantly, "Or he could get us all arrested, fire your mom, and then things would be even worse.

"Green!" Bellamy yelled, as he saw Monty passing through the hallway.

Monty was taken aback by this, and he braced himself for the worst as he entered the cafeteria. He stuttered, "Y-yeah?"

"Is our new shipment in?" Bellamy asked.

"I just got word in from my dad, he's been promoted to Ms. Blake's assistant, the files are at location number two, he said you should know where that is, and your mother has the rest of the things you need in her secret office, whatever the hell that means."

"Thanks, Monty, that wasn't so hard was it?" Bellamy smiled innocently.

Monty ignored this and began to walk away, but instead he turned around to say, "Look, I know you think this is going off smoothly, but people are getting suspicious, especially my best friend Jasper."

Murphy let out a small laugh, "Just watch him, okay? If something goes bad, bring him to us. You do know that you're the only one who knows about this besides us three, right? Anyone else finds out and you'll vanish without a trace, got it?

Monty nodded and dashed out the cafeteria doors.

"I don't want to do this anymore if it means you get your friends to beat up whoever disagrees with you, this is going to go to shit real fast. It's already hanging on by a string, I mean, you did hear what Monty said, didn't you?" Both boys stayed silent, unsure of what to say. Clarke sighed, "I suppose we should go get some coffee, yeah?"

Bellamy and Murphy agreed and they made their way towards the coffee shop.
Raven was already there, sipping her coffee, when they arrived. "Hey," she said shyly, motioning for them to come sit by her.

"Hey, Reyes, be there in a minute," Murphy beamed. He ordered his coffee and sat down across the table from her.

Clarke sat next to Raven and Bellamy sat by Murphy.

"So, how was hell today?" Clarke questioned them all with a laugh.

"You just said how it was, hell," Murphy gave her a sarcastic smile.

"It actually wasn't too bad," Raven sipped her coffee, "well, as far as school goes on terms of bad..." she trailed off awkwardly.

"Wow, who made you Miss Positive today, Reyes?" Bellamy chuckled.

Raven shoved Bellamy, jokingly, "I thought I told you never to talk to me again," she told him sarcastically.

In response to this, Clarke raised her eyebrow at Bellamy, Bellamy shook his head slightly, as if telling her, 'not now.'

"But that means I get her all to myself, take that, Blake," Murphy joked.

"I have someone much better, though, no offense or anything Raven," Bellamy told them.

"I will only be offended if you don't tell me who is supposedly 'better' than the Raven Reyes," Raven remarked.

Bellamy smiled at them, he was really gonna do it this time, he stood up and sat next to Clarke. He smiled, "I've been wanting to do this for months now, Clarke Griffin, will you be my girlfriend?"

Clarke covered in mouth in surprise before finally stuttering out the word, "Y-Yes."

Raven threw her hands up in defense, "You got me there," she chuckled. "Seriously, though, congrats."

"Yeah, congrats," Murphy said, sipping his coffee with a smirk on his face.

Bellamy noticed Murphy's expression and gave him a questioning glance, "What?" He asked.

"I can't believe that Bellamy Blake took this long to ask Clarke out, seriously," he chuckles in amazement.

"I guess I'm just intimidating like that," Clarke pompously flipped her hair.

"Yeah, if you think teddy bears are intimidating," Raven nudged Clarke.

"Heyyy," Clarke whined, shoving her gently.

Murphy looked to Bellamy, then to Clarke, as if asking for their approval to initiate this awkward conversation that would lie ahead of them. Bellamy nodded very slightly.

"So, Reyes, how are you liking Arkadia High so far?" Murphy inquired, staring at his coffee cup.

"It's just like every other town I've been in, it seems simple at a glance, but there's a lot more to it as you dig deeper," she shrugs. Noticing their faces of confusion, she explains, "Sorry I didn't mean to get deep there, I just, yeah... I don't know."

"No, it's okay, I know exactly what you mean. Is there anything you're curious about?" Clarke asked cautiously.

Raven eyed Bellamy and Murphy, knowing they had an answer to her question, but whether or not they'd give it to her was another story. "Well there's something I want to say, actually, my dad is looking into investigating this school, apparently kids have transferred and reported this school to the National Association for School Safetey, do you know anything about that?"

Clarke immediately looked down, Murphy sipped his coffee and coughed when she said that, and Bellamy shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Something was up with them. She was gonna find out what.

"Uh, yeah, there was an issue with the lead in the water a few years ago, it made kids get sick, that's all," Clarke tried to explain calmly, but she was lying, and Raven knew it.

Raven nodded in understanding, letting Clarke think she believed the fake story.

Bellamy stood up and grabbed Clarke's hand. "I think that's enough coffee for me today. Thanks for the invite."

Raven smiled.

"Yeah I should get going too," Murphy and Clarke spoke in unison. They gave each other suspicious looks.

"Oh, bye?" Raven said, it came out more like a question than anything.

They all waved goodbye and stepped out together, going to the other side of the building where Raven could no longer see them.

Bellamy sighed, "What the fuck do we do now?"
dt: octaviasblade
im so sorry this update took forever, i couldn't figure out how to make things go down, tbh i'm still not totally sure i like it, but i'll make up for it in future chapters. thanks for reading!!

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