chapter 8 - out of it.

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Alyssa's eyes widened at the sight of her daughter. She missed her so much. Little Raven wasn't so little anymore, and she hated herself more with every passing moment for missing her grow up.

No, she can't let Raven know she cares. She can't let her know who she really is and what she really does.

When she saw first Raven, she prayed with every depth of her being that it wasn't her daughter, but it was. The only new girl the school had was Raven, which means that it was her daughter that had been getting in their business.

She was a mother so she was going to try and protect her real child any way she could. If Raven hating her for the rest of her life was what it took, then she'd let it happen.

She made sure to hide herself from Raven's view as she exclaimed angrily, "I am not your mother!"

"No, mom, why are you here? I thought you were dead," Raven's voice was filled with relief, sadness, and anger all at once.

"You're insane, kid. I'm not your mom, you're just a delusional child with no real family," her mother spat, words dripping like acid. Each word of that statement hurt her heart, but no one could know she was related to Richard and Raven.

With that, she left the home, leaving Raven to her confused and messy thoughts.
The next four days of Raven's life were very difficult, there was so much she wishes she knew, so many secrets that are being hidden from her. She had lost her appetite for everything and could never sleep, no matter how hard she tried, and she felt so alone. She felt so out of it. All because she thought she heard her mother's voice.

She was in so much mental distress that she turned over to see it was only three in the morning. Not knowing what else to do, she quietly walked through the deserted hallway, shivering as her feet touched the cold wood floors. They carried her to Murphy's room and she opened the door slowly and quietly.

He stirred in his sleep, and she held her breath, but he settled down after a few moments.

Raven noticed he was sleeping on the very left side of his bed, as if he was leaving room for someone to be sleeping next to him.

Glancing back down at her temporary room, she shrugged. They almost fucked the other day, what did it matter?

Carefully, she climbed into the bed next to him, trying not to make too much noise. She covered herself and faced him.

She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but just like every other night, she couldn't.

Raven looked at Murphy sleeping peacefully in his bed and she smiled slightly.

How could someone with so many secrets be so appealing? Of all people for Raven to fall in love with, why did it have to be John Murphy?

Every part of her screamed that this was wrong. That he was hiding too much, he would hurt her, or that something much bigger was going on, but she didn't care. She wasn't sure why, but now she wasn't so scared of him and Bellamy. They were just normal guys. Ones who just beat a kid up for not following through on a promise. In fact, all the kids at school didn't seem that bad anymore. She wasn't sure why she was so scared to begin with.

Unconsciously, in his sleep, Murphy wrapped his arms around Raven, pulling her to his chest. She didn't want to wake him, so she just let it happen. As nonchalantly as she could, she readjusted herself in his grip so that she was comfortable.

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