chapter 6 - safety.

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Raven's lips softly touched Murphy's, sending a wave of happiness through each of them. Murphy closed his eyes and kissed her back. He didn't even have to say it, because this action proved it to Raven. He had grown attached to her.

She pulled back gently from the kiss, and wrapped her arms around Murphy, pulling him into a hug. Murphy pulled her as close as he could and held her there.

Raven smiled as she felt him pulling her closer, never more grateful for someone in her life than she was for Murphy right now.

Still clinging onto him, Raven asked softly, "How did you know how to help me?"

Murphy explained, not in great detail, but enough for Raven to get her answer, "I get panic attacks as well, and I've even had night terrors too. I just tried to apply my remedies to you."

Raven pulled back from the hug and grabbed his hands. "I'm so sorry," she told him, a sympathetic look in her eyes.

"Don't worry about me, Reyes. I'm fine," he smiled at her.

"Just know if you ever need me, I'm here," Raven whispered, squeezing his hands.

Murphy closed his eyes and nodded. "I know that now," he grinned, "and thank you for that."

"Of course," she smiled. "Now what was it you wanted to talk about?"

Murphy was originally planning to lie to her about the whole situation, but he couldn't bring himself to do that to her. Conflicted, he explained,"Look, Reyes, we do things here. Bell, Clarke, and I, things that you shouldn't be a part of. Things that I don't want you exposed to. I..." Murphy trailed off, trying to find the next words to say. "I think I really like you you, Raven. So I don't want you to get hurt. I'm not good for you. Bellamy wanted me to warm you to stay away from us, but I'm here telling you to leave Arkadia. Completely. Just get out of here."

Raven felt a pang of sadness in her heart, "Stop, then. Stop for me. Whatever it is you're doing, you don't have to do it!"

Murphy looked at her, his face full of sorrow, "You don't get it. If Ms. Blake finds out, I'll-"

Raven cut him off, feeling tears in her eyes, but she didn't care, "Then don't let her find out! I have no clue what's going on here. But you can't actually be afraid of Bellamy's ex-CEO mother, are you?"

"She's more powerful as a lawyer than your father is as CEO. Please, just trust me. You need to leave Arkadia," Murphy pleaded.

"My father is on a business trip for another five days, so I can't really leave," she shrugs sadly, still confused, losing the anger in her voice. "I've got no car and no money."

Murphy wanted to be inconspicuous about the next thing he said, but in no way was this possible. "Raven, for the next five days, will you, uh," he scratched his head awkwardly, "stay with me?"

Raven was shocked at his question, and she didn't know what to say. She managed to squeak out, "May I ask why?"

"Arkadia is fucked up, Raven. You're new here, and this town is already about to break into all oblivion. If you can't leave, I don't want you to be alone when it goes to shit," Murphy confessed. He loooked down, afraid to see her response.

Raven stayed silent, only nodding. She had no clue what he was talking about, and she was worried for herself and for him. Quite frankly, she had only just met Murphy and she was now trusting him with something that, to her, sounded completely obscure. But she felt something when she was with Murphy. She felt loved. She felt happy. She felt safe. Those were things she hadn't felt in a long time.

Murphy gave her a weak smile and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you," he said, "I feel much better now knowing you'll be safe with me."

She buried her face in his chest as they hugged. After a few long moments, she broke away from the hug. Raven stood up and grabbed a bag, shoving clothes and other items she might need into it.

Murphy watched her lovingly. He kept smiling gently at her which sent butterflies to Raven's stomach.

Every once and a while he would glance back over at the photo of Raven and her family, still unsure of where he'd seen the woman. It was driving him a little crazy, because he knew he'd seen her before.

She finished packing and she slung the backpack over her shoulder, "Okay, let's go."

"Nope," he said, grabbing the backpack from her and putting it on his back. "Okay now we can go," Murphy smiled.

Raven smiled back and turned around to shut the lights off when she saw her Calculus book still lying the floor. She closed her eyes, because she recalled exactly why it was there.

Tears. Screams. Heartbreak. Loss.

Raven pushed the thought out of her head, remembering what Murphy had told her just a few, short minutes ago, "I won't let anything bad happen to you. Whatever you were remembering, it can't get to you now. Not anymore."

As they walked out the door together, Murphy saw she had her eyes closed, "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Raven opened them again, a small, but genuine smile on her face, "I'm terrified of what you're not telling me, but I trust you have your reasons to keep me safe. It's because of that, that I can say for the first time in a long time that I am okay."
After having their discussion with Murphy after coffee, Clarke and Bellamy headed back to Bellamy's house to meet with Ms. Blake.

"So tell me a little bit about this girl you're having issues with," Ms. Blake requested. Bellamy opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by her saying again, "Remember, Bell, no names. You know I hate the bias."

Bellamy nodded and explained, "She's trying to stick her nose in where it definitley doesn't belong. She's a nice girl, she really is, but she's getting close, Mom. Really close. If she finds out..."

Ms. Blake put her hand over her son's, "If she finds out, I'll just do what I always have to. Okay?"

Bellamy frowned, but nodded in agreement anyway. Feeling terrible, he stood up and walked away from the table. He walked out onto the balcony, Clarke following awkwardly behind.

"Are we doing the right thing?" Bellamy asked. He leaned over and rested his arms on the railing of the balcony, watching the sunset.

Clarke approached him and did the same thing. She looked at him, "I've got no idea, I'm so conflicted. She's my friend, but this is also our jobs, our lives, Bell. Are we really willing to let her ruin it for us?"

Bellamy hung his head and shrugged, "What if Raven's right? What if I'm just the fucked up kid who beats up other kids when I don't get what I want."

Clarke rested her hand on his shoulder, "You're not. You're the kid who will do whatever it takes to protect your mother and your family, and I love you for that."

Bellamy smiled at her and planted a kiss on her forehead, "I love you too, Griffin."
dt: skaikrumurphy- bc murven !!
yay for me finally (sorta) moving the plot along!! hope you guys enjoyed and i'll try and update again soon.

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