chapter 3 - hesitation.

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The next day of school came way too soon for Raven. She dragged herself out of bed and got ready for school especially slow today.

The scent of bacon was wafting through the air and this caused her to hurry a little more, because this meant her father had made breakfast for once.

"Is that bacon I smell?" She yelled excitedly as she ran down the staircase.

"Yes it is!" Raven's father beamed.

She inspected her father, he was dressed in his tailor-made suit with his briefcase sitting on the table, he even had a name tag that read:

Richard Reyes
Arkadia Corporations CEO

"Looking snazzy, Richard," Raven teased as she took a bite of her bacon.

For as long as she could remember, Raven had been best friends with her father. They could tease and poke fun at each other whenever they wanted, because that's just what they did. After her mother left, it affected her father more than her, because she was always traveling on business for him and his company.

"Thanks, Raven, I try," he smiles and does a fake model spin.

Raven laughs, and grabs a pancake that he'd been making, "I don't wanna go to school, Dad. The kids there are creeps. Especially this Bellamy Blake kid," she huffs, "he's annoying as all get out."

Raven thought she saw a look of fear glass over his eyes, for just a moment, before returning to their normal state. Maybe she was just imagining it.

"Well," he started, "just avoid him as much as possible, and if he gets in your way just show him a little bit of that Reyes rage we have," he kissed her forehead and Raven smiled. "You better get going to school. I'll see you for dinner tonight! Love you."

Raven nodded, a little disappointed that her father was back to his crazy work schedule, but she knew it was for the best, "Love you too."

She walked out the door and began to make her way towards the school, which was only about a 10 minute walk.

She stopped at an intersection, when she heard a pair of footsteps, running, growing closer.

"Hey, Raven!" The person yelled.

Turning around, she saw Octavia running towards her, with Bellamy dragging behind.

"Why are you with Bellamy Blake?" Raven questioned.

Octavia tried to suppress a laugh, "He's my twin brother," she explained.

"Oh, I guess I hadn't gathered that yet." There was an awkward silence before Raven broke it by asking Octavia, "You followed me out of the Maple Heights neighborhood, do you live there too?"

Octavia nodded, "You know Arkadia Corporations? It's a law firm and legal company all over the country, but it's headquartered here in Arkadia, obviously. Well, our mother is one of the best lawyers they have. She was CEO, so she earned lots of money, but some new guy took her spot off of a simple transfer request," Octavia rolled her eyes. "What a dick."

Raven felt really uncomfortable now. That 'dick' was her father. "I'm sorry, Octavia, that sucks."

Octavia shrugged it off, not noticing the awkwardness in Raven's voice, "No need to be sorry, we'll manage."

They kept walking, Bellamy at a safe distance behind them where he could hear everything they were talking about, but enough space to make Raven think the opposite.

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