chapter 10 - reepercussions.

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pls read author's note at the end thnxs ily

Raven's hands shot up in defense and stuttered out, "I-I was leaving right now. I'm s-sorry." She kept her eyes peeled on Murphy, who was shaking as he aimed the gun at her still.

Before Murphy had a chance to even respond to this, Raven dashed off in the opposite direction. Out of the school and down her street. She just kept running, letting the adrenaline rush through her.
Horrified at what he had just done, he dropped the gun at his feet and stumbled backwards. His forehead was beaded with sweat and he slowly slid down to sit on the floor.

He fumbled for his phone and his mind raced as he searched for the contact he wanted.

To: bellamy's business matters
raven saw. she knows.

Murphy doesn't check his phone for the rest of the night until when they shut the doors. He hopes that he never has to be in that room again but a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach told him it wasn't his last time.

Murphy ignores the texts from the groupchat that blows up his phone, passively sitting in the passenger seat of his father's car, bouncing his leg nervously.

There was no way Raven would forget that happened, no matter how much mind-altering drugs they pumped out into the hallways of Arkadia High School and every other business in the town. It's mind control, and the man sitting next to Murphy is one of the masterminds of it all. Everything he'd done his whole life was for loyalty to his dad, but he couldn't stand to live like this anymore. Once they arrived at home, Murphy hurried upstairs to look for Raven, but she wasn't there. He doesn't know why he expected her to ever come back to him. Lying awake on his back, he lists all the things he wishes he could've asked and told her while she was still around in his house, cuddling with him.

He takes a quick shower and throws on a fresh pair of boxers, climbing in bed. He spends a majority of that time trying to reach Raven, but there was absolutely nothing sent back in return to his countless texts, calls, direct messages, and even emails.

But a response from Raven was no where to be found, and so much to his dismay, Murphy closed his eyes.


It felt like he had only been asleep for about an hour before he was yanked from his sleep by his father, slapping his face.

"Johnathan Murphy, I swear to god. You are a disgrace as my son, you bastard," he screams, his voice cracking, obvious this wasn't the first time he's yelled tonight.

Murphy's first instinct was to reach for that all-familiar body next to him, but it wasn't there, and suddenly, he recognizes what's about to happen.

Devin Murphy pulls up an audio on his phone and throws it at Murphy for him to listen.

His brow furrows as he tries to comprehend what the woman on the phone is saying, his heart racing.

"They're doing something to the school... Drugs... Guns... My dad, does he know?" The voice continues, making it obvious this was a 911 call.

Murphy's heart sinks because she doesn't know, she doesn't know that she's the only one who doesn't know what the Blakes, Griffins, and Murphys do. Raven Reyes doesn't know that right under her father's nose, thousands of mind-numbing drugs are pumped into the school's air and water fountains. It doesn't stop there, all over town, people slowly become controlled. The only reason Murphy isn't, is because he was born into the "superior bloodline" as they call it, the reason why his dad runs this business in the first place. He has no choice, this is all John Murphy knows, but it doesn't change the fact that he hates it now, more than ever.

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