chapter 3

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Stu finally decided to get up from his bed, not only did he need a shower, but he needed food.

He swinged his feet out of the bed. His warm feet hitting the carpet. He rubbed his eyes, and stretched.

Stu stood up, his legs shaking a little, as he took a step. Without thinking about it, he was already in the bathroom and saw what little mess that was felt over still on the floor.

"What the fuck did you do?" Murdoc yelled as he ran to the boy, falling to his knees as he took Stu's hands off his face. "I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry" he said. He just stood there. Thinking about what he did to himself. He looked back to his wrists, he already took off the  band-aid things. So he could see his cuts.

"I'm such a fuck up" he sighed and look a shower.


Murdoc was already in town, just a few more minutes then he gets to see if Stu took his life.

With every long road and short turn he came closer too the house.

When he finally got to the house, he turned off the car and got out as fast as he could. He ran to the door and opened it.

"Stuart fucking pot, where are you?" Murdoc yelled as he raced through the house, knocking bottles and trash in the floor.

Stu didn't say anything, he started panicking, his eyes widened as he started listening to the voice, trying to future out who it was.

Suddenly the bathroom door slammed open, "Stuart?" stu in shock, tripped. Sending his body flying at the front of the shower. "Fuck, murdoc?"

The blue haired singer stood up, only his head being hurt in the process. Thank god this shower curtain isn't see through.

"Eh, um, talk to me when you get out? Okay?" murdoc backed out of the bathroom while stu let him know that he wouldn't be long.

I dunno, I just wrote last chapter and I'm pretty emotional. Sorry if this chapter is shit. I hope you understand.
So, I struggle with self harm and thought that Stu probably would too. So, I'm in a way, going to express how self harm can become an addition.
Again, I'm pretty emotional right now so sorry if this chapter is shit.

addict with a pen || 2doc ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora