2. Stalker

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"Thank you for coming madam! Hope you enjoy your drink!" I smiled as I served a cup of green tea to a customer at the counter.

The woman payed for her drink, gave a polite smile and left with her parcel. I quickly placed the money in the cash register. I tucked my lose strand of hair behind my ear and looked up, to get the next order.

"Hoseok?" I was kind of flustered.

"Ah, Eunhae. You're serving me again this morning eh?" He chuckled.

"Haha, yeah. So what may I get you?"

"The normal. A cup of your classic coffee."

"Sure. No chocolate cake today?" I lightly laughed.

"Nope. I was thinking to go with the classic." Hoseok winked.

A friendly wink I suppose.

"Ah, sure! I'll be right back with your order." I smiled.


It was Monday and I was dragging my lethargic self to school. I was not quite social and thus I did not have many friends here. I quickly reached class and sat down at my usual spot.

"Eunhae!" Someone called out.

"Irene!" I got up and hugged my best friend.

"How's your project going?"

"Yah, don't even ask. Yesterday was a hectic. Taehyung can be so dumb sometimes." I rolled my eyes.

"Well Namjoon was as helpful as ever and he actually did some of my part."

"You're so lucky. You got the one with the looks and the brains. I was stuck with the one with the looks only." 

"Aish, are you admitting that Taehyung is good looking?" Irene nudged my arm.

"Pft. Well aren't all six of them good looking?" 

"Honey, make it seven." Irene said winked.

"What?" I asked.

She pinched my cheeks and made be turn around. "New cutie alert." 

"I know him!" I said, maybe a bit too loud.

Some students turned to see me, I mouthed sorry. Being the center of attention isn't exactly my thing.

"What?" Irene asked.

"I served him at the cafe. He's the same guy Irene. His name is Hoseok."

"Hold up, how do you this much about him?"

"Just his name you pabo. I met him at Taehyung's place."

"Ah. I see. Well I'm off to my seat before that grouch face enters."

"She isn't that bad." I chuckled.

"Uhuh, she made me do my homework like four times and made me clean all the mess our class made. That devil's spawn." Irene hissed and went towards our seat.

I saw Hoseok entering the room. So, he's in my class eh? 

"Eunhae!" Hoseok called.

Shit. Act cool Eunhae. Don't let him know that you were thinking about him.

"Hoseok!" I waved.

"So we're in the same class? Cool." 

"Haha, yeah."

"Students! Settle down!" Mrs Lee said as she entered the class.

"Meet you later?" Hoseok asked.

"Sure." I replied and sat at my place.

"So today, we have a new student among us. Would he please come forward to introduce himself?" The teacher announced.

Hoseok went forward, flashing his smile.

"Hi! My name is Jung Hoseok. Hope we all get along well." He said.

"Very well, Hoseok, take a seat. Let's begin our lesson!" The teacher turned to face the enormous white board. 


"So I was thinking to pair my white floral dress with this purse mom got me." Irene explained as she showed me pictures of numerous clothing items.

"Yeah, sure." I replied, still caught up in the confused world of fashion.


"So what?"

"Come on, you know what I'm asking."

"No. I really don't."

"Pft, fine. So tell me this, did Hoseok and you talk?"

"Jeez Irene." I laughed.


"He only said hi and stuff. No big deal. Stop imagining stuff you idiot." I lightly smacked her forehead.

"Sheesh. I just want to know, and anyways friends love teasing and that is what I'm doing." Se chuckled.

"Uhuh." I ignored her sentence.

My eyes diverted to where Hoseok was sitting. Seems like he fitted well with the rest of BTS. They are a group of good-looking boys in our school. For some reason they came up with an official name for themselves, symbolizing that they all are a proper group. I've heard that they have produced some songs as well but I have not really listened to any of them.

"You know it is so clear that you are stalking him right now." Irene said as she slyly smirked and rested her face on her hand.

"Aish, you pabo." I muttered.

Do I really look that obvious?


Lol. I apologize for such a short filler chapter. I know this one is hella boring. Will update soon!!

<3 Yumna

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