3. Detention

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Narrator's pov:

With gentle steps she headed home. Humming a tone only audible to her. Her soft brown locks were tied in a loose red ribbon, symbolizing that the female was coming from work and still had her uniform on. The pleasant breeze crossed through her chocolate brown hair, freeing several strands from the ribbon.

"Aish, this annoying ribbon." The female muttered to herself as she pulled the ribbon smoothly off her hair.

Not paying attention to where her steps were taking her, she accidentally walked into someone.

"I am so sorry." It was clear that she had bumped into a male because of that manly voice. 

"Eunhae?" The male said, realizing that he bumped into someone he had encountered before.

"Hoseok." Eunhae said as she tried to hide the shade of crimson that was visible on her cheeks. "We do have sudden meetings. Haha."

"Haha, We need to hangout sometime." Hoseok said.

"Oh. Sure."

"I was heading to the cafe. I thought you still had your shift." The male said a bit confused.

"I uh took the day off early today. Wasn't feeling well." She said nervously.

"Ah. So do you want me to walk you home?" Hoseok offered.

"No, no. I'm honestly okay." The female smiled.

"You sure?"

"Yup. I should go now." The female nervously ran her fingers through her hair.

"Ah, of course. Well Eunhae, it was good meeting you! See you around!" The male gave the shy female a smile and waved her bye.


Eunhae's pov:

I've been trying to sleep for about an hour now but still no luck. My bed sheets were wrapped around my body due to my constant tossing and turning. I just wanted some sleep but it seemed impossible at the moment. Sighing, I got up and walked out of my room and to the kitchen. A glass of milk at night never hurts.

I decided to eat cookies with my oh-so-fancy drink. I swear to God something is going on with me. After my mini snack, I jumped into bed. My hands automatically reached for Sunny, my stuffed teddy bear. Yes, I have had a cuddly toy with me since I was three. Mr Sunny is my best friend, and perhaps the only option for me feeling comfy on these kind of sleepless nights. 

"Yah Sunny? Is it weird that I can't sleep?" I said to the non-living creature.

I expected no answer and none came.

"You're right. This happens to everyone." I carried on with my imaginary conversation with my teddy.


"Yah Eunhae, I swear to God if you sleep right now I will smack you." Irene whispered, trying not to be audible to the teacher.

"Aish, I barely slept at night. Let this child rest." I yawned as I closed my eyes again and rested my head on my arms.

"Yah yah yah! He is coming towards us. Oh lord. Yah pabo!" Irene was half-yelling-half-whispering now as she yanked my right arm.

"Stop being so strict you baboon. I am really tired." I ignored her warnings.

A sudden thud on my desk made me sit up straight and the sudden expose to light made my eyes squint.

"Iwasnotsleepingattall." I blabbered, probably not making sense.

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