5. Spoon-head

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I quickly opened the door and was welcomed by a warm smile.

"Hoseok? What uh, I mean, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'd love to explain Eunhae but I was wondering if you'd let me in, it's raining like cats and dogs out there." Hoseok said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

This guy seems as nervous as I am.

"Oh my God, I am so dumb. Of course, come in please." I opened the door wider for him to enter.

"Cute pjs Eunhae." He chuckled as he ruffled my hair.

I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks. Hoseok made himself comfortable on my couch. He  just did that. Oh my God. Control Eunhae.

"You wanna have tea or something?" I asked.

"You have hot choco?"

"Uh sure. I'll get it. You can watch the television if ya want." I suggested.

"Nah, I'm good." Hoseok smiled.

I replied him with a smile too.  Great, now I have a cute guy at my place and I am a complete mess. I quickly made two cups of hot choco. Cookies. Cookies will go well with this fancy beverage. I set both the things on a tray and go to the living room. I could see Hoseok scrolling down on his phone.

"Ahem." I fake coughed to gain his attention.

"Ah! Hot choco~!" He squealed.

Excited much eh? I passed on his cup to him. He took a sip. I noticed his hair were slightly wet and I won't complain about it. He still looks good. Wait, did I just say that? Brain, jeez calm down.

"This is so good. I bet they love your hot choco at your cafe." Hoseok looked at me.

Shit. Eye contact. One of the hundred things I suck at.

"Haha yeah, hot choco is one of the most common ordered item on our menu." I looked down and pretended to focus at the drink.

But of course my eyes would without knowing travel to his.

"You could look at me ya know. Your eyes are doing weird things." Hoseok chuckled.

Thank you so much eyes. You just further lowered my confidence.

"Oh, sorry. I'm kinda..." I was cut off by Hoseok.

"The shy type?"

I looked at him with surprised and gave him a slight nod.

"Ah cute." He ruffled my hair.

Again. He did it twice. HoLy ShIt. What should I do? I could feel my cheeks turning to the shade of red. I looked down, trying to avoid eye contact. I need to get better at this eye contact stuff.

"So what were you doing out?" I finally asked.

"Oh about that, I just went to buy some......"

Ding dong. 

"I'm sorry, I'll be back." I excused myself.

"Sure." Hoseok plugged in his earphones. "I'll listen to music until then."

I nodded and went to the door.

"Who is it?!" I asked.


Sounds like a drunk man.

"Sorry sir, I think you came to the wrong door." I replied from the other side.

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