Shiro x Allura

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Pidge: Cute...its space mom and space dad... I ship it

Welsie: Me too!

Shiro: *blushing* heh... um

Allura: I don't get it though. What does this even mean? What does the "x" mean. *hasn't looked at the picture yet*

Keith: Allura I think you need to really look at the pictures, not the title.

Allura: Alright... O-oh... well then... 

Lance: How come Shiro gets the princess... shouldn't I be the one to get the only girl in Voltron since I am the most amazing one here?

Keith: Um Lance...

Everyone at the same time (except for Pidge): Pidge is a girl...

Pidge: Yeah

Lance: Wait... WHAT!? PIDGE IS A GIRL!!!

Pidge: *rolls her eyes* Oh my god we've been over this way too many times. Yes Lance... I'm a girl.

Lance: SINCE WHEN!?!?

Keith: Since forever...

Welsie: ANYWAYS! I think we're getting off topic here! So what are everyone's final thoughts on dis ship?

Shiro: *blushing bright red* *nods, meaning he likes it*

Allura: I guess it's good. I mean I like it...

Keith: It's cute

Pidge: Of course I ship mom and dad together. Who doesn't?

Lance: I-I.... Pidge is a girl....?

Hunk: Well Lance is still awstrucked by the fact that he doesn't remeber Pidge being a girl. Anyway, I'm with Pidge. Spacemom and Spacedad are my OTP *smiles*

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