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This one is for pure humour

Lance: WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!

Welsie: *literally dead* 😂😂😂

Pidge: *snorts* now I understand why you BOTH call Shiro Daddy...


Pidge: Now where is Keith and Shiro when you need them.

Hunk: They're probably going to show up because it's convenient for them to show up at this exact time so the chapter can continue. It would also be good for comedic purposes so the reader won't lose interest and stop reading this.

Pidge: wow... good job on breaking the fourth wall, Hunk.

Hunk: What wall?

Pidge: *facepalms* Nevermind...

Hunk: anyways they should be here already for comedic purposes...

All: *look at the door, waiting*

.  .  .  .

Pidge: They're not coming...

Hunk: We don't know that! They could come in.... now!!

.  .  .

Hunk: or how about.... now!!!

.  .  .

Hunk: I give up...

Allura: It's alright Hunk...sometimes it's hard to predict what people are going to do...

Lance: Can we move on before they do come and-

Keith and Shiro: *walk in*

Lance: DAMMIT!!!!

Hunk: I WAS RIGHT!!! OuO

Keith: huh? What are you guys reacting to no-.....oh god... WHY!!!

Shiro: O_O....

Welsie: I CAN'T BREATH!!!! I'M DYING!!!

( ^ Literally everyone in the Voltron trash Fandom when they see parts of their ship sail...)

Pidge: I think we need to move on before our host dies...

Keith: no...nonononono nonononono.... O_O

Pidge: Oh so you don't want to move on? (Insert Lenny face here)


Pidge: I'm having such a great time *smiles*

Lance: I hate life....

Keith: Same...

Shiro: Same...

Allura: *bursts out laughing* I CAN'T HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER!!!

Shiro, Keith and Lance: O_O

Hunk: *laughs* I think we should move on now....

Pidge: mhm

Welsie: *laughing too hard to breath* PLEASE!!!

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