Hunk x Lance

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Welsie: You good Pidge?

Pidge: I'm good now...

Welsie: Okay good

Pidge: ..... BROTP!!!

Lance: !!! Ooooooo

Hunk: I like this one.

Keith: *mumbles something*

Welsie: What was that Keith???


Lance: Cough...jelly....cough cough

Keith: *hits him in the arm*

Lance: OW!! Y'know if it wasn't for Hunk I wouldn't be a great kisser!

Hunk: Lance!!!

Keith: What?!

Lance: Yeah! My talent doesn't come naturally!

Keith: ..........

Welsie, Pidge, Allura and Shiro: *eating popcorn and watching in the corner*

Lance: What?

Keith: So you've practiced?

Lance: Yeah haven't you?

Keith: *shakes head no*

Lance: WHAT?!?!?!?!?! *blushes bright red*

Hunk: Uh-um can we move on? Please?

Lance: *pulls hood over head and nods quickly*

Welsie: But it was just getting gooooooood *makes popcorn disappear*

Keith: was it something I said?

Pidge: Don't worry pretty sure Lance will explain that later....ANYWAYS!!! Back to like the best BROTP ever!!! It's a YES from me...i love it

Allura: I guess it's alright

Shiro: They have been good friends for a long time *whispers* although Klance 4ever....

Pidge: Sammmmme


Welsie: Lance?

Lance: ........*hiding under hoodie*

Welsie: okayyyyyyy....Keith

Keith: *too confused for anything like ALWAYS! UGH!*

Welsie: Anyways!!! We'regoing to have a special guest for the next one! She's a dear friend of mine and I love her!! You all get to meet her!!

Keith: If she's anything like you I'm scared....

Welsie: We consider each other twins

Keith: I'm officially terrified...

Welsie: *smiles innocently* Anyways! Tune in next time for the surprise! 

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