Allura x Lotor

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Hey everyone! I just put up my Voltron truth or dare book and I'm gonna start doing the truths and dares you give me. I love the support and don't forget to keep giving me suggestions (for both this book and my new one recently created) anyways enjoy!

Welsie: Oh.... wow... this is a thing

Allura: .........

Shiro: *clearly upset* *trying to stay calm*

Pidge: why is this a thing? They barley even know each other!

Everyone (except Allura and welsie): Yeah!

Allura: Well....

Everyone: *falls dead silent*

Welsie: care to share something Princess?

Allura: Me and Lotor... before the big war and stuff..... well....

Welsie: *makes popcorn appear and starts to eat it loudly*

Everyone: *turns and stares at Welsie*

Lance: Really....?

Welsie: *mouth full of popcorn* Whaaaat?

Lance: *rolls eyes* were trying to listen to Allura and your sitting eating magic popcorn loudly like an idiot.

Welsie: *gives him a death glare* call me an idiot again and I'll shove popcorn down your throat you little shit

Lance: O_O *gulp*

Shiro: Now now that's enough. Allura continue.... please...

Allura: *nods* .....anyways.... well me and lotor... we were friends when we were younger. And our father's thought it was a good idea, since I was the Altean princess and Lotor was the Galran Prince, that we should marry when we grew up so that our alliance was even stronger....

Pidge: Oh...

Lotor: *appears out of no where* yes this is true


Lotor: *points to Welsie*

Welsie: *smiles and waves* *continues eating her popcorn*

Allura: *glares at Lotor*

*All the paladins pull out they're weapons*

Lotor: Oh relax! I'm not here to hurt anybody. I was bored and Welsie invited me.

Welsie: I like his hair

Lotor: *hair flip* Everybody does *dramatic pose*

Allura: Ugh.... and this is why it never would've worked out...

Shiro: *mumbles* thankfully

Pidge: *hears him* *snorts*

Shiro: !

Welsie: Okay this is getting long. What are everybodies thoughts on this ship

Allura: never would've worked

Lotor: *shrugs* marriage takes patience and time

Shiro: I despise it...

Lotor: not that bad

Lance: nah. I'm not the biggest fan

Keith: I'm with Lance

Pidge: Protect Allura at all costs!

Hunk: *shrugs* it's a strange but possible one

Welsie: alrighty I guess that's it! You can leave now Lotor....bye!

Lotor: awwww and I thought this was quite interesting... alright fine.... goodbye everyone! Don't miss me too much!

Shiro: trust me... we won't....

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