Chapter 4 - Admitting It

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After school Natsu decided to head straight over to Lucy's to take he out and celebrate.

As he walked past the office to the front gates he heard Mira shout his name

"Natsu!!" she yelled gesturing him to come into the office

He just shrugged his shoulders and walked inside, he saw Mira squealing and smiling at him

"Uh..what's up?" he asked cautiously

"LUCY GOT IN! HER FIRST DAY IS TOMMOROW!" she cheered wailing her hands in the air

"Seriously!? That's awesome!" I shouted

"And guess what else?" she stared at him on the verge of excitement

"You and Lucy have the exact same schedules!! That's means you get to show her around all day TOMMOROW!" she squealed and I just stared wide eyed smiling like an idiot

"Wait..why are you so happy about that Mira?" I stared at her

"Because now you two get to spend more time together! NaLu ship here we come!" she fist bumped the air

I raised an eyebrow at her "Mira you feeling okay?"

She just laughed "Don't mind  me, arent you supposed to go see Lucy?" she changed topics

Natsu mentally slapped himself

"Yup! Thanks Mira!" I shouted as I ran out of the office towards Lucy's apartment

But as Lucy was at her apartment, she was running around like a happy little kid in a candy store

"I actually got into Fairy Tail!!" she screamed and laughed

"This calls for a little celebration music." she smiled as she connected her phone to her stereo

She started strutting around her apartment excitedly as she sang along with the lyrics, she turned the volume up louder so she could barely hear the sound of her own voice.

Luckily the walls are thick so she doesn't disturb the neighbors.

Just then Natsu had walked into the apartment complex and asked the front desk lady

"Which room has a blonde girl named Lucy in it?" he asked

"Who are you? Are you her boyfriend?" she eyed him

"Uh no ma'am,  we're just..uh friends." Natsu said nervously

She stared at him suspiciously then said "She's upstairs, second room to your right." she pointed and continued her work

He thanked her and went upstairs, he could hear the music through the door and he knocked on it but there wasn't any answer

He could hear a the most amazing voice singing

"Baby when they look up at the sky
We'll be shooting stars just passing by
You'll be coming home with me tonight!"

He felt so drawn to the voice he unconciously turned the doorknob and there she was,

Lucy was singing and dancing in a way that mad Natsu feel hot.

He saw her hips moving rhythmically with the beat and it didn't help him that she was wearing shorts, and he could see her shoulders and how tightly her tank top wrapped around her torso and her long smooth looking legs just looking at her swaying and singing

He felt hypnotized by her every move and sound

'She's like an angel.' he thought as he continued to gaze at her with a deep red blush across his face

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