Chapter 8 - Love Somebody

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The next day had passed by so quickly for Natsu and Lucy. They were so excited to practice afterschool they hardly paid attention in their classes.

When the final bell rang, Lucy's class got held after for bad behavior, (Loke decided to work on flirtjng instead of his assignment)

After the whole class stacked their chairs, Lucy was the first to bolt out of the classroom doors

"Don't forget about our plans Thursday Lu!" Levy screamed to the blonde who was running down the halls

"I wont Lev!" she yelled beck before disappearing into the crowd of students as she continued to run to the front gates

"Sorry I'm late!" she yelled again as she skidded in front of the tall pink haired boy in front of her

He was wearing a long white scarf that was knitted to look like scales, it was wrapped around his head as it fell behind his back, it went well with his tight black tank top and blue jeans

"What took you so long? I got out of gym class 10 minutes ago." he stated

The blonde just glared as she finally caught her breath "Hey my class is still further away than the gym." she sassed placing her hand on her hip

She was wearing a pair of acid wash high waist jean shorts and a loose blue and white stripped crop top with her blonde hair in low pig tails

"Its not my fault they switched around my schedule." Natsu chuckled as they started walking

"Whatever. Your just happy you got out of science class this year." Lucy stated obviously

"Maybe, but your the one stuck in there with Loke and Gray." Natsu chuckled

"Actually I'm not so worried about being in a class with them, its you being in a class alone that I'm worried about." she laughed

"Oh really? Do you miss me already Luce?" he teased and nudged her

"You wish!" she shoved Natsu away causing him to go slightly off balance, but he just laughed and kept teasing her as they continued along their way


"Woah." Lucy gazed up at the building known as 'Dragneel Records'

The building itself put its surroundings to shame, its bright red structure stood out like something out of a 'Fairytale'. Natsu dragged Lucy into the building while she still gawked at the interior, they wandered up to the top floor of the building where they meet Igneel in an empty recording room

"Im glad you two made it." he smiled warmly at them before showing them around the room

Of course the interior was all shades of red except for the equipment. The room had a couch, a mini fridge, and a desk for writing or editing lyrics. The room wasn't huge but it was spacey.

"So everything in here is available for you too use. Ill be back in to check up on you two later." he smiled as he exited

Lucy still stared in awe as she admired the advanced modern sound studio, she had been in her fair share of different ones.

Even though her fathers building had them, that building was nothing in comparisons to the Dragneels.

"Lets get started Luce." Natsu smiled brightly at her giving her a warm fuzzy feeling

"Oka!" she cheered enthusiastically as they got to work.

The worked on their song lyrics and even had some extra time to start practicing for a little while.

Of course they had fun, teasing eachother and telling jokes filling eachother with laughter and happiness.

Soon enough, time passed by in what seemed like seconds to them, but they both just smiled knowing this same routine would happen tommorow.

They gladly walked out front to meet with Igneel and he drove them home.

That night, as Natsu and Lucy both slept, they dreamed of eachother. In a way that only their hearts understood but clouded their minds

Natsu's Dream

I looked around at my surroundings and saw that I was in a field with tall tan grass as the setting sun put a glow over the horizon

And that's when I heard it,

The most beautiful sound I'd ever heard

Her laugh.

I looked behind me to see an angel in a beautiful white dress that covered her shoulders and fell above her knees, her beautiful blonde hair flowing freely in the breeze looked like a halo, and the way her chocolate brown eyes glittered in the suns rays sent my heart fluttering as her fair skin sparkled

"Luce." I whispered under my breath, I felt completely paralyzed by the sight in front of me.

She really did look like a gift sent from the stars.

"I hope I see you soon Natsu."
She smiled sweetly at me as she began to walk away disappearing into the horizon

I just stood there, unable to move as her words rang in my head.

Lucy's Dream

I stood alone in the darkness. Not a speck of light around me. My own hands invisible to my face.

I could hear the harsh whispers and insults of others from my past. They echoed throughout my head. Their lies and judgements causing the darkness to feel foggy.

I could feel warm tears rush down my face as all hope of leaving this desolate place left my body.

And then, I felt a warm comforting pressure on my shoulder...

I looked to where I had felt the presence...

And there he was.

Like my candle in the darkness, there stood Natsu, giving me that signature grin

He held his hand out to me and I gladly accepted it as he pulled me onto my feet in front of him

"Natsu..." I breathed as I hugged him tightly

I felt his warm strong arms wrap around me before he pulled away to face me as he onyx eyes stared into my chocolate ones

"Lucy is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." he smirked "But I like Luce. It sounds different."

I felt a blush across my face as his words echoed throughout my head and he disappeared right before me but immediately  a flash of light blinded me before I re-adjusted my eyes

I felt a warm breeze caressing me

As I opened my eyes I was surprised to see myself dressed in a white dress that fell above my knees, as I stood in a field of tan grass with a glowing sunset

I looked around, when I saw spikey rose pink hair


He turned around to face me, he too was in white but he had on a white shirt and jeans along with his scale like scarf that was now wrapped around his neck

"Luce." he grinned at me as he reached his hand out towards me and I did the same

As our fingers caressed eachother...

We all, at any given time, desire real connections with others...
On this path that we cannot stop walking on
For something to stir us up from the depths of our hearts...
That's what we are looking for.

(Comment your thoughts on this chapter. Sorry its been a few days. Hope this makes up for it ❤)

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