Chapter 9 - Time for the Truth

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(Hey peeps, just wanna apologize for the last chapter. I know some of you probably wanted a more detailed experience of what happened in the recording studio but I wanted to show that they were getting closer to eachother. So again sorry if you didn't enjoy the last chapter.)

Nobody's POV


Lucy woke up in a flash and angrily smashed her alarm for interrupting her dream

She gazed down on her hand again and imagined Natsu's fingers being intertwined with hers, which unconsciously caused a smile to come across her face

"What is this guy doing to my brain?" she laughed to herself before she got up to get ready for school.


The few days Natsu and Lucy had to prepare went by in a flash. Although they did sound pretty amazing together, they had been practicing all the time whenever and wherever they could, whether it was in the music room during a free period, and even after they finished practicing at Dragneel Records they would go to Lucy's apartment and get some extra practice.

Yup these two were pumped up for the festival


"Natsu hurry up!" Lucy complained as she sat impatiently outside a changing room

They were trying to get matching outfits for their performance tommorow and Natsu was taking what felt like hours to try on a shirt

"This is stupid Luce!" he complained back

"Just come out so I can see!"

She heard his loud huffing before he stepped out of the changing room and Lucy was struggling to hold back her laugh

Natsu had on a bright purple to shirt that said 'Daddy's little princess' on it in bold sparkle letters, not to mention that it was clearly way too small

"I can't believe it actually almost fits!" Lucy laughed uncontrollably

Natsu clearly unammused glared daggers at her

"What the hell Luce!?" he yelled angrily

"Sorry...haha..Natsu...I just had to see..haha" Lucy tried to speak between laughs

"Oi, you done yet?" Natsu rolled his eyes

Lucy smirked as she pulled out a leather jacket with a bright red shirt and faded blue jeans

"Here try these instead." she smiled as she handed him the outfit

"Fine." he huffed as he stepped back into the changing room

10 minutes later...

"Am I good or what?" Lucy smirked as she checked out Natsu from top to bottom

"Hey Luce, my eyes are up here." Natsu smirked (probably unsuspectingly seductively) which sent Lucy's heart racing and cheeks on fire

"W-whatever..just hurry and change out of that so we can check out." she gently shoved him back into the changing stall as he chuckled at her


Meanwhile, Lissanna was also in the mall for a new outfit change, and coincidentally she was in the same store as Lucy and Natsu

She was on her way to check out when she heard giggling and saw some familiar blonde hair

'What's she doing here?' she wondered as she stood idly behind a clothing rack nearby when her eyes widened as she saw the pink haired guy walk out towards the blonde

"Oka Luce lets go!" she heard him say as Lucy smiled back and they walked away

She felt anger flush over her face "I'll find out who you really are" she promised to herself as she tried to unsuspiciously continue shopping


Back with Natsu and Lucy

"Luce wanna get some food?" Natsu asked as they walked out of the mall out onto the busy streets

"Yea, what did you have in mind?" she smiled as she took in the busy scenery

In a way it reminded her of the streets in New York, the different people walking up and down the sidewalks, the bustling cars, all the chatter around her, it made her miss her home, the streets and scenery she had grown up around

"I was thinking we could pick up a pizza and just hang out at your place. If your oka with that." he grinned at her

But then again, something about this place just felt right, like she was always meant to be here.

"That sounds awesome right now."

"Great! I know just the place." he cheered, grabbing her hand as he ushered her through the crowd


"ANND HERE WE ARE!!" Natsu smiled widely as he held open the glass door to a retro arcade pizza place

"Woah..." Lucy gazed in amazement, she hadn't ever dreamed of being in a arcade, sure she thought about it but with the way her schedule used to be what were the chances she would actually be able to enjoy herself.

"What are we waiting for?" Natsu grinned excitedly catching Lucy's attention, she was still slightly amazed and had the biggest smile on her face that Natsu adored

"Let's go!"

He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to a booth where they sat at and looked over a menu

The two of them start to chat casually when a tv screen behind Natsu catches Lucy's eye


Lucy mentally panicked as a profiled picture of her with a big red 'MISSING' stamp appeared on the screen as a female news broadcaster was continued speaking

"H-hey Natsu lets eat somewhere else." said the blonde as she abruptly stood up and grabbed the pinkies hand dragging him out of the booth

"Wait! Luce!? What's wrong with that place?" Natsu yelled in confusion as he let Lucy drag him out of the mall

He couldn't tell what type of facial expression she had, he just tried to keep up with her fast moving pace. They stayed in silence the entire time until they ended up going all the way too Lucy's apartment, she quickly ushered them inside and locked the door and shut the curtains on her window

"Uh..Luce?" Natsu spoke up in concern, as he watched Lucy move around frantically "Is everything okay?"

"No..." she sighed as she stood in the middle of the room holding herself

The sound of her voice sent a hint of fear throughout Natsu's body, 'what the hell happened' he thought as he stared the back of the blonde

"I have to tell you something."


"Hello? Mr. Jude Heartfillia?....I know where your daughter is."

Just Like FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora