In Her Wake

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Zuko POV


"So..Firelord Zuko." Mai whispered seductively.

I smirked, taking my hair out of the clip, letting it fall into its usual style.

Her slender body, leaned against the doorframe, a slight smile on her face.

Mai was beautiful in a gloomy way to say the least.

"That title doesn't seem right somehow." I said, my voice deep but soft.

Uncrossing her arms, she sashayed over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I looked back at her, a blush coating my cheeks as I smiled widely.

"You're so cute when you do that awkward smile."

"That doesn't sound that cute to me." I brought our faces together so our noses touched.

For a moment I felt happiness with Mai, wishing it could always be like this. Her constant pessimistic attitude was such a turn off and seemed to put everyone else around her in the same sullen mood.

"So when is the Spirit Gang leaving?" She pulled away, once again crossing her thin arms across her chest.

I sighed, copying her stance.

"Tomorrow is their last day. What does it matter?" I asked a little too bitterly.

She huffed,"You know, I was just asking a question. No need to get defensive."

"Okay, well I'm not sure why you're so concerned about them. You should be grateful Mai." My growing agitation was now apparent.

She narrowed her dark eyes, tensing her posture.

I brought my clenched fists to my waist, taking deep breaths in order to stay calm.

"That doesn't mean I have to enjoy their company." She said coolly.

"You're just sore that they defeated you."

"No, I'm just so tired of that little Earthbending girl's constant sarcasm and the all knowing Avatar who is really just an immature boy." Her voice remained in monotone as usual.

"And the Waterbenders just don't belong here."

I turned away, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I apologize that some people actually have personalities." I retorted dryly.

She scoffed walking out of the room.

"I just think they need to leave before they rule the nation for you." She sighed. "I love you Zuko, and I'm not trying to attack you here. But they're still wary of you and won't think twice about taking you out just like your father."

"I can't think of any reason why they still might not trust me. It's not like I've chased them around the world and made their lives a living hell." My voice raised once again.

Her shoulders sagged, as she pivoted enough to catch a glance of me over her shoulder.

"Goodnight Zuko." Her voice was emotionless as she left my chamber, walking down the dimly lit halls in her usual melancholy manner.

Collapsing on my bed, I replayed exactly what went wrong.

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