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Ember, my little Firebender, and the only reminder of the love I lost.

When I had returned to the Tribe to discover I was pregnant I was confused and scared. I was scared that Sokka, Gran Gran, and my father would be angry with me, but they weren't.

Although it was hard to overlook the disappointment in Dad's eyes, his words and actions never conveyed those feelings.

Sokka was supportive, albeit the few jokes about knocking out the boy who knocked me up.

Gran Gran was just overjoyed to have a great grandchild, putting down all of her duties to prepare for Zuko's daughter.

Suki travelled often to discuss name ideas with me and how she guessed the baby would look.

Aang knew only from our letters, and seemed to avoid the topic at all costs. Guilt gnawed at my chest, knowing how much it hurt him.

Toph simply congratulated me.

Zuko knew nothing.

And neither did anyone else about who the father was. The only information I forked up was that he was a Firebender, which I figured would be discovered at some point considering Ember's appearance.

It was hard becoming a mother at fifteen, but seeing my beautiful, strong daughter grow up brought me so much pride.

Like her father she had thick, jet black hair that like mine had a slight wave. She also had his pale skin and amber eyes with those enchanting threads of gold. The only difference was that they took on a rounder shape like mine verses Zuko's narrow ones. Ember also had my round face and nose as well as my full lips. It seemed she got each of our best traits because she was simply gorgeous.

But there was a hard truth to face. She was a two year old Firebender living in the Southern Watertribe. Not to mention, she was technically the Princess of the Fire Nation.

And I knew she wouldn't be content here.

Gran Gran tried to convince me that home was where the heart lies, but her efforts barely comforted me.

"Don't worry about it for the time being Katara, look at how happy she is." Gran Gran gestured to my daughter, sitting outside the ice palace while playing in the fresh snow with her Uncle Sokka.

My gaze instantly softened at the sight of the thing I loved most, my Ember. So strong willed and stubborn yet pure hearted— she reminded me of my mother.

"I just want her to be happy. You don't understand what I'd do to insure that." I replied, not returning my focus to Gran.

She sighed, pulling me out of my lovestruck daze.

"That's the beauty of being a mother, Katara. There is no bond like the one between a mother and her child." Her thin, lips twisted into a smile.

"I'm so proud of you."

I met her blue eyes, feeling a pang of love in my chest. How was it that Gran Gran was always so good to me. I touched my neck out of habit, to find the necklace gone. I had given it to my daughter for her first birthday just like my mother had given it to me.

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