Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen- What's Mine Is Mine

Three Months Later



"Stop." I giggle as Zayn is laying his head on my swollen belly as were sitting in the waitng room of the doctors office, because today is the day I find out the gender. I am now five months pregnant, and it hasn't been the smoothest pregnancy, between my family and my job I have been stressed. Every one else is estatic about the new baby, I am too but it being a mom is very tiring.

"It's a little boy. Zaire Malachaie Walton." He smiles, as he rubs my stomach.

"You want a boy right?" He asks me, I shrug my shoulders and relax the back of my dome on the head rest. After having three girls and a boy, I don't care what the baby comes out to be.

"You don't seem happy to know what were having."

I suck on my bottom lip and huff."I am. I'm just know I don't get a lot rest babe."

"Makeila Walton!" The nurse calls me, Zayn stands and assist me out of my seat,along with helping me walk to her.

"Hi!" She greets us. "Are you guys ready to see your little one?"

"Yes." I snicker out of breath, as I hold on to my stomach, it's difficult for me to walk at times, this baby give me more problems then Aabria and the twins ever did. My back hurts more all the time, I'm always having morning sickness and it's a damn shame that I sometimes have to call into work just because my feet is swollen.

Zayn holds my waist as we walk through the door. "You good?"

"Yeah." I respond.


"So this is his looks like an arm is right here." The ultrasound tech says, as she's pointing out the babies body parts, I turn to Zayn who is smiling at the screen, this man has a passion for children like no other.

She adds more gel to the camera and places it back on my stomach, motioning it around. "Okay I think I see something."

"It's a boy?" Zayn blurts out like an impatient child.

"You are really actinglike one of the kids right now babe." I laugh at his behavior.

"Damn baby...I can't be excited?"

"You're doing too much." I tease him. But I'm just joking, because their's no such thing of a father doing too much, when he's excited to be having a child on the way and can't wait to see it grow. God really did work in my favor, I remember being heart broken over Jayson not particiapating in Aabria's life nor wanting to help raise her, but Zayn cured my heart. His love for children amazes me, he barely yells or discipline ours. Roughly, because he came from an abusive child hood.

The ultrasound tech, squints her eyes looking closer at the screen. "It looks like the two of you is having a little girl."

"Dang!" Zayn frowns and I giggle, he had his heart set on a little boy. "Another damn girl...gon spend all my money like Aabria once she hit two...gon be just like Zaibree and Zaria cussing me out because I didn't buy any cookies.."

The tech cackles while wiping the gel off of stomach.

"Your being so dramatic Zay." I say to him and notice that he's pushing one lying ass tear out of his eyes. "Is you crying?"

"I wanted a boy.." He hits his fist against his hand. "Can you check again to make sure it's a boy..."

"It's a girl." She laughs and her and I share a look at each other.

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