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A mist hung in the air. Will stared at the blood blossoming onto his teachers crisp white shirt like a rose opening up for the first time. He watched as it slowly pooled beneath his feet. The knife he was holding was drenched in blood. He could smell it's coppery scent in the air. He wasn't an animal but he grew up with that scent but it was usually his mothers blood and his. Not this man's blood. Never Nicks'. Will gently cleaned the knife on his trousers. Once he was done he admired it. Smooth and shiny on the top but the blade was serrated and rusted almost as deadly as the microscopic pieces of glass stuck to it for extra strength. He flicked his wrist and the knife folded neatly back into its case. Will had killed a man. Shy, gentle, quiet Will who never did anything wrong,always stuck to the rules had killed someone.
You deserve every fucking bad thing that happens to you, you useless bitch!
Please Nick! Don't! Not while Will is upstairs!
You piece of shit! All you do is care for that little wanker upstairs! what's he ever done for you hey!
Nicholas! Please-! *a scream* silence.
I should've forced you to get an abortion when I found out that you were pregnant with him!
Get out.
You can't kick me out of my own house bitch.
I can, and if you don't pack your shit and leave then I'm going to call the police.
You wouldn't.
I would and I will just to prove it to you.
*sound of numbers being pressed into a phone*
Wait! Fine, I'll leave.
A door slams.

That was the last time Will ever saw Nicholas until he joined the school and started teaching him English. He pushed the memory aside. He felt satisfaction, relief even. The man that plagued this childhood was never coming back. And he Will Dorsan had made sure of that. Nicholas Steener was dead and Will was proud that he was the one to end him.

I Killed My Teacher book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt