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  Will slunk along the road, his head down, hood pulled over his eyes, even though it wasn't raining. He wore a black hoodie and ripped jeans. His hair was in the classic, just got out of bed, look. All he had done to it was sweep it across his face so that it covered his right eye.

"Hey Gus! Look it's an emo weirdo! Has ya mom disowned you yet emo? Or has she just got drunk again, maybe she was high on drugs."
Will walked past them paying them no attention at all. He knew that was what they wanted. A reaction so that they could bully him about it later. He wasn't in the mood to give one though so he walked on their words echoing on his ears.

They didn't even know how right they where, last night his mum had got really drunk and high. She had passed out on the sofa with a bottle of whiskey next to her and ash tray on a table behind her. His mum was outstandingly pretty for a woman nearing 50 years of age, she looked round 35 still. Not that anyone noticed, she seldom left the house and when she did it was to get more cigarettes, alcohol or weed from her alleyway supplier. Will barley saw his mum, but the house was only quiet when she was:
a) sleeping or passed out
b) at the pub
c) at some random guys house.
His mums addiction had gotten worse recently and when Will had suggested that she should get help for it she had said that he was a useless pathetic piece of shit that had no idea of what she was going through. He hated being at home. Always preferred school, dreaded holidays. The best thing about them was summer school which he always signed up to. He didn't need to, he was the dream student, bright eyed and always did what was expected and constantly went the extra mile. He went to summer school to get him out the house. He didn't need to try hard to maintain his position at the top.

But people were jealous, the posh kids wanted to be the best, they paid Will to do their homework but in the tests they were always at the bottom. The teacher always said:
"You'll thank me one day for not filling your heads with false compliments"
Will couldn't agree more. You only get better with constructive criticism.

He hated teachers that told him he was an amazing student, clever, witty, kind all that bullshit. He knew he was virtually perfect compared to everyone else but he didn't care what they thought.
"The best of us find happiness in misery"
Is what he believed. But no one asides from him could, it seemed.


hey guys! how do u like the new book!
I'm gonna try and update everyday cause I'm on holiday now!
Pls vote and comment! It would mean the word if u did!
Love u all!

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