Behind the Target

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Will walked up to a tree that had a target pinned to it. Little children's darts where stuck to it all on the bullseye.
"How good is your aim?"
"Not that good."
"Here, put your left foot forward and lean back on your right. When you throw the dart aim just above the bullseye and flick to the left. Oh and remember transfer your weight back onto your left foot when you throw otherwise your dart won't even make it to the target."
Rory did what Will asked and the dart landed in black circle just on the edge of the bullseye.
"Wow! Good shot!"
Rory said bowing.
Will walked over to pull the dart off the target but it was stuck. He yanked it off and in the process of doing so the target poster came off the tree revelling the face of man.
"Is that your dad?"
Rory asked
"Yeah, he was, he left when I was 14 years old, he um, treated my mum and I really badly."
"Oh, I'm sorry?"
"He's gone now so it's over now. I prefer not to dwell on the past. Sorry."
"Okay, uh, what movies do you like?"
"All the Starwars ones, The Goonies, Dunkirk, War Horse, Assassins Creed, A Monster Calls there are quite a few."
"I love Starwars and the Goonies."
"Who is your favourite character in The Goonies?"
"Chunk. You?"
"I like Data."
"Yeah he's pretty cool. Especially the slip shoes!"
The pair laughed, in the distance a bell rang signalling 5 minutes till lessons.
"Common, we need to get our book, I've got DT next."
"Race you there,"
"Oh, your so on mate!"
The pair sprinted off completely forgetting the face beneath the target, oblivious to the man that stepped out of the shadows and laughed at the disfigured face.
"Just wait Will, I am coming back to haunt your life."
The man slipped back into the shadows leaving no trace that he was there

The promise has been kept! For now!
Omfg have any of you seen Dunkirk, it is SUCH A GOOD MOVIE!!! I LOVE IT!
Yeah okay enough fanguring, pls vote and comment!
Love u guys!

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