The canteen

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Will had just finished a particularly dull lesson of geography learning why people build their settlements where they do. It was all year 7 shit. He was sick to his back teeth of having to,"recap the stuff you did 3 years ago to brush of the summer dust"
Sorry, I spent my entire summer here you asshole, you know that cause you taught me. Give me somethings harder to do where more more than one brain cell is required. I mean seriously, the fucking WATER CYCLE! My cousin in year 2 is doing that in more depth than us. You my as well give us an old kindergarten test and see how we fair with that cause I'm pretty sure all the class asides from me would fail.

After mentally swearing at the teacher, he found himself at the back of the lunch queue, if you call it that. It was more like a line of fights to get to the food first. Will just hung back, he'd had a shit enough day already, he didn't fancy a black eye.

A boy two places in front of him caught his eye, he was small, shy like him. He was getting shoved around by a load of 6th formers that wanted to be with their friends. Will grabbed the boys arm and dragged him back.
"Hey! Why did you do that!"
"Don't mess with those guys unless you want to get a couple of broken limbs and  two black eyes. If you've been here for more than a day you would know that."
"Well thanks mate. By the way my name is Rory."
He held out his hand and Will shook it
"I'm Will, you wanna sit with me today?"
"Yeah, you can tell me who to and who not to mess with."
Will laughed,
"Mate you can't mess with any of them, unless of course you have a death wish."
"Ugh! Well maybe...."
Rory started towards the 6th formers. Will grabbed his arm.
"Don't, I'm serious mate, they will kill you."
"Whatever you say captain."
The pair laughed and got their food. Will led Rory to an empty table in the corner of the room. He listed all the social groups, in order of the unofficial pupil order
Prefects/ head boy and girl
Theatre kids
He concluded, pointing at himself.
"Well I'm gonna be a reject with you mate cause it's the only category I fit in."
"Welcome to hell then cause that's what the reject category is, it's really quite pleasant except for the smell."
Rory laughed
"You like MCR then."
"Same, they sing about what life is really like not this mad fantasy shit that pop songs portray."
Will stared at Rory.
"That's so true, I never thought of it like that!"
Their conversation was interrupted by the theatre kids
"Uh Will,"
"What time is it?"
"One thir-"
"Showtime !"
They walked off laughing. Will scowled at them giving them the finger once all their backs were turned. Rory laughed at him
"Not a big fan?"
Will said popping the 'P'
"Ya wanna get outta here?"
Rory and Will sprinted out of the canteen leaving the chatter and laughter behind they walked out onto the empty playground. Will pointed at a cluster of trees at the edge of the grass.
"That's where I go each break time, you wanna join me?"
"Yeah, why not?"

Heya guys!
I've kept my promise, for a day! How long will it last? btw if I publish two chapters I'm probably making up for not writing the next day. Just clearing that up!
Anyways, love u all!
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❤️❤️❤️ TaraandJayen❤️❤️❤️

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