Chapter 2

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Mark was living his normal life but the only thing that isnt normal is how much he missed you he was the only one remembered you for some reason

Last time everything went black and they were back where they were dark,wilford and google didnt remember a single thing only mark was the one who remembers everything that happened-

In the last chapter

He remembered the time dark took you

He remembered the time you two played games together and had fun

But something happened

Everything went black and dizzy then suddenly he was back in his recording room everything turned back to normal he has no idea why but it happened

He has had many nightmares about the past but one night...


He managed to talk to her...

"You may not remember me...but i will always remember your sweet E/C eyes your soft H/L H/C, your adorable laughter, your everything...i Łøvə You"

She seemed confused when he told her those words but all she said was

"Who are you?"

That was the moment mark's world and heart shattered into pieces that was the moment he knew something happened

It was like everything reset

He knew something was wrong but of course he replied

"You..dont remember me?"

His heart hurt so badly the one  he loved the most didnt remember him the H/C haired girl shook her head

"No but i see you in my dream often"

He just looked at her

"Are you real?"

She asked him mark was taken back by those three words

"Of-of course im real..."

He said sadly his heart hurting very badly she slowly walked up to mark making his heart skip a beat
She leaned in and whispered in his ear

"Meet me by the local coffee shop"

Mark woke up with a jolt

"Meet me by the local coffee shop"

It echoed in his ears

Did she meant starbucks? Probably

So mark got up from his bed and went to change his clothes

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