Chapter 10

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Someone watched them have their peaceful moment he laughed quietly it was a high pitched laugh his grin looked insane and his green ruffled hair was all messed up his neck sliced and all he said was


Jack woke up with a yawn and checked the time

4:00 PM

He looks around to see no one but he had this feeling of being watched and it creeped him out so he hugged Y/N tightly and snuggled up close to her then he heard something


It sounded so familiar yet he cant quite put his finger on it he immediately sat up and look around

But nobody came

He shrugged it off and snuggled close to the softly snoring girl

After a few minutes he heard it again but


Like it was coming closer and closer with each minute jack sat up and looks around "Mark??" Jack yelled

But no reply

Jack looks around warily before continuing snuggling her there it goes again

Coming closer and closer

Jack ignored it this time but felt like he should be worried the laughter sounds so familiar to him that it annoyed him he wanted to know why just why it sounds so familiar

But then a voice came from behind them

"Îm báçķ"

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