Chapter 11

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Jack panicked and quickly looked behind him but saw

No one...

He looks around cautiously and with a bit of fear before petting Y/N's hair he smiled at her kawaiiness her cute sleeping face her soft breathing with her chest rising and falling, he blushed but then smacked him self


Jack screamed at himself  then something strange happened

A flash of green

His heart started to race, he glances back at Y/N and a flash of green happened again he didnt know who or what it was but whatever it was, it didnt seem friendly he sighs and shakes his head and looks back at Y/N then he softly smiles at her sleeping figure "where is mark..." jack mutters "and where is wilford and dark??" Jack mutters he looks at the time


Jack frowned and hugged the sleeping girl tightly then the laughter started again "yøů wøņþ b   é ábļ  e ťø prøtéçť h   e   ŕ før lønģ J     K" a very very familiar voice cackled "Anti?!" Jack yelled "ýøù fiiiináĺý remém  bęř ...." a green person pops up with a sick and twisted grin "y-you!! I thought i got rid of you!!" Jack said holding Y/N close "yøu wìll never get rìd of M E, ì A M yøu a P A R T øf yøu" anti grins jack just growled at anti and holds her closer "Hmm? Seems lìke yøu reeeeally care før thìs....gìrl" Anti grins and pops up behind them "J-Just leave us alone!!" Jack yelled "hmm...fìne....før nøw" With one last grin anti disappears right before Y/N yawns and flutter her eyes open jack smiled nervously "Good morning sleeping beauty~" Jack chuckles making you giggle "shut up"...

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