Chapter 6

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"Wilford!!" Mark whisper-yelled "what??" Wilford asks "i have some guests over so can you keep it down?!" Mark whisper-yelled at wilford "ooooooooh oh okay" wilford said Mark nodded and went back to where the girls were when he went back he saw them petting chica with delight he chuckled making them look at him "oh!...i have a question?...two actually" Y/N asks "ask away!"mark said with a friendly smile "Who was that? you live alone or?" Y/N asks trailing off "That was my...uh....that was nothing! was just my um....ringtone! Yea! Ringtone" mark said, mark internally bitch slapped himself straight in the face for such a lie the girls stare at him confused "okay?" Y/N Said looking at clara with a look, clara did the same "well you girls need..anything?"

Mark asked the girls just shook their heads while playing with chica what mark noticed was dark watching them after a moment they make eye contact, mark made frantic hand movements telling him to shoo dark just quietly chuckled before disappearing in thin air, Mark sighed in relief then he looks at the girls mainly Y/N, oh how he missed you, he yearned for your touch, he wanted to pet your looked so soft and silky, and your eyes...god it looked so breath taking, your, then his eyes travelled lowe-

'Mark! Quite starin' like a creep!!'

Inner mark yelled at Mark, Mark snaps out of his goo-goo daze then mark sincerely apologized to inner Mark, Inner mark of course forgave Mark, Then inner mark had to go abandoning mark

So after mark snapped out of his deep thinking he again looks at them to see them gone Mark internally PANICKED when he saw them gone he looks left, right, north, south, east, west, up- wait no why would they be in the ceiling?! But mark panicked and started to look for them

Ipliers X reader 2! (x jack?)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora